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3.7 Million Stolen Votes !

New Section: 2020-12: Residence & Work Permits, Travel Visas, Health Insurance, Dual Nationality .

750,000+ Votes Stolen From British In The EU (3.7 Million stolen globally)

+ 2.8 Million under 18 with no Referendum vote, more remainers, were 18 by Brexit.
+ 1.9 Million mostly old leavers died between referendum & Brexit.

This Is:
5 Domains Moved Under here
Mail List: mailman . berklix . org / mailman/ listinfo/ brexit
British flag
German flag
Via google
French flag
Via google
European Union flag
earth orthographic

2020-02-01: UK Union Jack Flags inverted on Brexit Day
Search in (with google below in box)



. judgement
acoba ACOBA: Advisory Committee on Business Appointments
advert British professionals in Munich.
analytica Cambridge Analytica
article_50 The full text 2017-03-29 UK PM served on European Union
article_50_3 Article 50 can be extended
assets Not just Debts But Assets Too
aufenthaltsdokument-gb Residence application form
berlin One of the active cities of British in Germany & site of Embassy
Dover Operation Brock: EU's French Border Staff in Dover creates massive traffic jams in Kent
burn Public Flag Burning ?
caution_facebook caution_facebook A petition on
clark Greg Clark
coalitions Coalition Groups against [Hard] Brexit
coe_int European Court of Human Rights
coin 50p commemorative coin - graphic joke
corrections Corrections
costs Costs of dual citizenship, passports, IDs. language & citizen knowledge tests, certified translations of documents etc.
council European_Council
countries_110 110 countries Globally allow citizens abroad to vote
crowd Crowd Funding
dates dates
demo demo 2017-07-26
democratic_lie democratic_lie
dig Dig for victory ? Better Dig for Dirt ! - Find Snouts In The Trough !
dis-enfranchisement dis-enfranchisement
disfranchisement EU report on Disfranchisement of EU citizens resident abroad.
draft_petition Repeal the 15 year non resident exclusion
There's 2 real petitions on Parliament Petitions Site
dual EU & German dual citizenship
dual_nationality EU & German dual citizenship - apply before 2020-12-31 links here
dual_nationality-gb Application form
echr European Court of Human Rights
ecj European Court of Justice
end End Of Page
enemy UK government is an enemy scaring masses of British abroad
eu_citizenship EU citizenship
eu_mistakes EU Mistakes
eu_passports Petitions & Referendums For Issue Of European Passports
europeanunionwithdrawalno6 Royal assent received
extend extend
external External Links
extra_mps extra_mps
fallout Fallout, July 2016 & Beyond
find Find & Write Your MP !
first Points 2018-02-27
fraudulent Brexit Referendum 2016-06-23 Margin Is Fraudulent
future Possibilities & Probabilities
galileo RAF will be denied precise GPS
head Head of Page After Indexes
index index
int_court International Court
intro Introduction
jail_coup_leaders Jail Coup Leaders
johnson Boris Johnson
jokes Jokes, Stickers, Graphics, Comedy, Music
judgement Judgement of Supreme Court 2019-09-24 : Parliament has not been prorogued. Can resume.
last Points 2018-02-27
latest Latest Info
law_case law_case
liar Lieing the 2016-06-23referendum was democratic
lie Spot the Lie: ` democratic'
links Links to other sites (News, Opinions, Debates, Law Suits etc)
london London independence ?
many 750,000+ Stolen Votes in EU
& minority
PM Boris Johnson lost (then expelled) his majority.
(When will Queen invite a caretaker PM?)
mess mess - graphic joke
millions Britain Dis-franchised 3.7 Million globally - Stealing votes is worse than drowning votes in gerrymandering ( Wiki: UK Gerrymandering )
mini Create a mini or micro state
money &
Brexit lies & media funding ? Follow the money !
mp Write Your MP (Or a Lord): New Referendum Fast, Please !
rubber Rubber Stamp Queen
russia Russia : Russian Interference of Referendum
russian_report Russian Report : Report Delayed 9+ Months, On Russian Interference of Referendum
salaries Salaries in Parliament, MPs, PM etc
salary_mps Salary of Members of Parliament
salary_hcl Salary of Houses of Commons Leader
salary_pm Salary of Prime Minister
newest newest
neweuropeans_net Votes for Life Petition - deadline
no_tax Why pay tax to a stupid cheating thief ?
No Taxation Without Representation - 1750 to now.
odds Odds - Unsorted inc. Revolt An Option ?
one_point_three_million @ Date Many old mostly Leave voters died since referendum
one_point_five_million @ Date Many old mostly Leave voters died since referendum
one_point_six_million @ Date Many old mostly Leave voters died since referendum
one_point_eight_million @ Date Many old mostly Leave voters died since referendum
one_point_nine_million @ Date Many old mostly Leave voters died since referendum
overseas Overseas Voters Bill 2017-19
penalise_coup_leaders Penalise Coup Leaders
pensions gov . uk / guidance
petitions Petitions to Sign Petitions on Parliament Petitions Site & Queen New Referendum, EU Citizenship Stolen Votes , etc
pictures pictures
pizza Brexit freight ferry firm appears all geared up - to deliver pizzas
posters Posters
prediction At Xmas 2018-12-25
Letter to President of Bavaria, Herr Seehofer
president_eu president_eu
proclaimers proclaimers
prosecution what happened to the private prosecution of Boris Johnson
pulse Pulse Of Europe
queen Petition Letter to the Queen
rates Exchange rates
referendum First (recent) un-democratic Brexit Referendum 2016-06-23
register_min No minimum period to register as an elector in UK
rees-mogg Jacob Rees-Mogg
results 2016-06-23 Referendum Results
revoke Revoke A. 50
revolt Dis-United Kingdom ? Independence for ...
russia Russian Interference In Brexit
seehofer To President Of Bavaria
short Short Links ... For Letters
singapore London bigger than state of Singapore
snouts_in_trough Snouts In The Trough ?
split UDI ? Split UK ? ( SNP wants to. - London Too ?)
statistics New Young Voters Denied, Old voters Died
stats Voter Statistics
stolen_votes Britain stole the vote from 750,000+ of 2,000,000 British in EU
stop_coup_leaders Stop Coup Leaders
stopthecoup Stop The Coup
strategy A Strategy (Chronological)
supreme Supreme Court
No Taxation Without Representation - 1750 to now.
telegraph Telegraph Group
thief The UK Government is a thief, liar & enemy to British abroad
time_outs Timeouts on UK official sites
top Top Of Page
trade Trade Agreement
treason Treason: What to do when UK is treasonous to citizens ?
two_point_eight_million @Date Many were too young to vote. More are Remainers than Leavers.
two_point_six_million @Date Many were too young to vote. More are Remainers than Leavers.
two_point_five_million @Date Many were too young to vote. More are Remainers than Leavers.
two_point_four_million @Date Many were too young to vote. More are Remainers than Leavers.
two_point_one_million @Date Many were too young to vote. More are Remainers than Leavers.
unsorted_links unsorted links, to be moved
unsorted_text unsorted text, to be moved
venal Some Venal Brexiteer Politicians
visa Tourist & Residence Visas in Germany & EU
visas 2020-12: Travel Visas
votes Votes For Life
wiki_disfranchisement wiki_disfranchisement
wiki_suborned wiki_suborned by venal party politicians
xmas 2018-12-25 Prediction On Brexit
yellowhammer 2019-09-11 Publication forced by Parliament
young 750,000 new electors per year x 2.5 years


110 More than 110 countries allow passport holders living abroad to vote
15 THE 15 YEAR RULE (Stolen Votes)
1975-06-05 First Brexit Referendum 1975: Remain: 67%
1985 right to vote to Brits abroad for 5 years
1989 Extended to 20 Years
2000 Reduced to 15 years
2011-01-22 Eire even worse than UK !
2013-05-07 Shindler v. the United Kingdom
2016 Un-Democratic Brexit Referendum 2016-06-23.
2016-01-18 Expats registered in 2016-06-23 referendum
2016-02-01 Spoken Contributions by John Penrose
2016-02-25 fullfact . org eu - membership - fee - 55 - Million
2016-02-26 Overseas Voters Bill - Commons Chamber 3 or 4 Million
2016-03-03 -
2016-05-09 Invitation to 2016-05-09 - 2nd Munich Meeting
2016-05-09_after After 2016-05-09 After 2nd Munich Meeting
2016-05-09_summary Summary of 2016-05-09
2016-05-11 Chris Grayling, Leader of the House Common, to Select Committee
2016-06-23 2016-06-23 Second (First Modern) Brexit Referendum 2016
2016-07-11 Statement: the status of EU nationals in the UK.
2016-09-05 Mail List brexit@ Started. Same day as Westminster Hall Petition Debate Day
2016-10-07 Guardian: Britons who have settled overseas permanently are to be given a "vote for life"
2016-11-02 3.7 Million + continued votes for Eire & commonwealth citizens resident in the UK
2016-11-03 court defeat for UK government
2016-12-09 guy - verhofstadt - chief - negotiator - opt - in - passports
2016-12-31 EU members net contributions and net funding 2016 12
2017-01-11 European Union: European Free Movement Instrument Registered, Reg no: ECI(2017)000001
2017-01-18 retired - britons - eu - return - campaigners - pensioners - spain - healthcare
2017-02-02 Alternative White Paper
2017-02-22 Healthcare - anguish - for - expat - retirees
2017-02-27 BBC "The Brits hurrying to become German citizens"
2017-03-01 Government defeated on Brexit bill
2017-03-02 rights - of - uk - citizens - in - the - eu - brexit - podcast
2017-03-13 Commons Reject Both Lords Amendments
2017-03-14 Post to Diverting investments out of UK. Supporting EU passports proposals.
2017-03-14-2 Lancashire veers sharply from Leave to Remain
2017-03-23 Votes for Life Bill
2017-03-26 No minimum period to register as an elector
2017-03-27 Brexit Countdown Event, 27 March, Central Munich
2017-03-29 UK PM served Article 50 Notice on European Union
2017-03-30 BBC
2017-03-31 "Russian influence may have affected Britain's Brexit vote"
2017-04-03 Munich, Monday 2nd quasi repeat meeting
2017-04-05 Statement by Michel Barnier
2017-04-07 FT: Brexit threat to UK space industry
2017-04-08 European Parliament's chief Brexit negotiator demands Theresa May back Britons who want to keep EU citizenship
2017-04-09 expats will NOT get a vote in EU 2016-06-23 referendum
2017-04-13 FT threat to UK space industry as Brussels re-drafts Galileo contracts
2017-04-18 General election in UK
2017-04-21 UK Government Will Again Steal General Election Votes From Brits Abroad
2017-05-02 Votes for Life Petition
2017-05-03 Brussels, Press release
2017-05-04 English local elections
2017-05-08 Munich Stammtisch
2017-05-11 Express: "French barrister launches bid to prove UK' s EU referendum was illegal" (2016-06-23) +
Guardian: "The Brexit trap that's closing on Britons who live in Europe"
2017-05-30 Why citizenship is now a commodity
2017-06-02 EU announces "Roam Like Home"
2017-06-05 Close of General Election
2017-06-08 General election in UK
2017-06-09 dup - conservatives
2017-06-13 Record number of Brits become German citizens amid Brexit fears
2017-06-19 Petition Letter to the Queen First public draft
2017-06-20 Possibilities for keeping EU citizenship after leaving EU
2017-06-25 Guardian: "Brexit will cement disenfranchisement of Millions of citizens"
2017-06-26 Spin & hot air from the government that stole our votes
2017-07-03 Questions & Answers with Consul
2017-07-09 background - uk - eu - referendum - 2016-06-23
2017-07-10 Rebel MPs form cross party group to oppose hard brexit
2017-07-26 David Davis (Brexit minister) in Munich -- Demonstration
2017-07-27 After David Davis in Munich
2017-07-31 Letter to President of Bavaria, Herr Seehofer
2017-08-07 Petition Letter to the Queen shown to British in Munich, feedback incorporated
2017-08-11 BBC: Why is the pound so low against the euro?
2017-08-15 Former David Davis MP
aide James Chapman announces new pro-EU party
2017-08-18 Reply from Herr Stefan Schumann, Ministerialrat
2017-08-23 Pound hits eight-year low against euro
2017-09-03 Various Brexified Brits, votes stolen by the UK, attended a Munich meeting of The The Pulse Of Europe
2017-09-04 Munich Brexit Beer Garden 18:00 Onward
2017-09-13 Deutsche Welle: Brexit in Germany:
2017-09-29 BBC: Brexit: Are more British nationals applying for dual nationality in the EU?
2017-11-02 Bloomberg: "U.K. Probes Russian Social Media Influence in Brexit Vote"
2017-11-09 Guardian on Tax Havens, Paradise Papers, & Brexit Promoters
2017-11-15 Guardian: Intelligence watchdog urged to look at Russian influence on Brexit vote
2017-12-04 Mayor of London: "... a similar deal here could protect tens of thousands of jobs."
2017-12-06 BBC "electoral system at risk, the head of the elections watchdog has warned"
2017-12-09 BBC Radio 4, Any Answers: "They Stole Our Votes ! We Want A 2nd Referendum - A First Democratic Referendum! " Audio clip.
2017-12-11 Guardian 'Sacrificed on the altar of trade' : Britons in EU feel betrayed by Brexit deal
2017-12-13 Congrats & Thanks to Conservative 12
2017-12-14 Commons + EU + Lords
2017-12-14-3 Meeting Notes/ Summary
2017-12-18 Draft Letter To The President Of The European Council
2017-12-20 PM Theresa May pushed, agrees flexible Leave date
2017-12-23 Brexiteers Suborn Wikipedia, deleted 3,700,000 dis-franchised Votes & Hansard ref. from results lists.
2017-12-29 Lord Adonis, government's infrastructure adviser, resign
2018-01-11 Meeting with Maria Noichl, SPD Member of European Parliament
2018-01-13 tax_havens Mail list post expanding to a new page
2018-01-15 Russia intrusion flights toward UK & NATO + EU' s Galileo
2018-01-26 47% of people would favour having a final say on Brexit once the terms of the UK's departure are known, while 34% oppose reopening the question"
2018-02-01 Groups opposed to hard brexit join forces under Chuka Umunna
2018-02-07 British expats urge Dutch court to protect rights after Brexit -
2018-02-08 Pro-EU campaign secures £400,000 from George Soros
2018-02-22 Cabinet Office - Votes For Life.pdf
2018-02-27 British meet Consul
2018-03-03 search of UK gov petitions which need support,
2018-03-04 British in Germany inaugural newsletter
2018-03-28 "Evidence from Christopher Wylie, Cambridge Analytica whistle-blower" To UK Parliament
2018-05-23 Brexit 'is obvious reason' for surge in Britons becoming Germans
2018-06-04 "Cambridge Analytica whistleblower calls for second referendum as he tells MEPs data scandal 'caused Brexit'"
2018-06-11 Why a sack full of Russian cash won't change UK Brexit debate
2018-06-15 Theresa's Fudge
2018-06-21 EU (Withdrawal) Bill goes for royal assent
2018-06-23 Demonstrations London & Munich etc.
2018-06-25 nigel Farage brexit hedge funds short pound/
2018-06-30 Surge in Britons getting EU nationality
2018-07-03 "Vote Leave broke electoral law, .. expected
2018-07-17 Electoral Commission reports Vote Leave broke the law
2018-07-24 3 items inc.: Guardian article "Will a no-deal Brexit make most of us poorer - and Jacob Rees-Mogg richer?"
2018-07-28 fake news, Facebook and Brexit - Commons select committee
2018-09-14 judges agree - the vote for Brexit was clearly tainted
2018-09-20 Forbes: Exit Brexit - World Economies
2018-10-17 Hansard: Overseas Voters Bill (First sitting)
2018-10-20 People's Vote march
2018-11-05 on Guy Fawkes Night
2018-11-13 Attorney General to PM on Northern_Ireland
2018-11-15 2 more ministers resign.
2018-11-26 British In Bavaria Munich Stammtisch
2018-11-27 2 Letters: 1st to MP   Greg Clark (Con, T Wells) & 1st to MP Rosie Duffield (Lab, Canterbury)
2018-11-28 SZ report of 2018-11-26 British In Bavaria Munich Stammtisch
2018-11-30 A scathing letter to Theresa May's deal has gone viral.
2018-12-01 10th minister resigns:
2018-12-03 Attorney General to Speaker
2018-12-04 Article 50: Law officer says UK can cancel leaving EU
Government loses 3 votes in the Commons
2018-12-05 Brexiteers down to 38% in YouGov Poll
2018-12-07 3 News items
2018-12-08 2nd Letter to MP Greg Clark
2018-12-10 UK can cancel decision, EU court says
2018-12-11 Parliament due to vote on Theresa May's deal.
2018-12-12 20 meetings of British across Germany
2018-12-13 "Theresa May won't lead Conservatives into next election" & rushes off to Brussels.
2018-12-14 2 BBC articles + 2 Jokes
2018-12-17 BBC: "Russia 'meddled in all big social media' around US 2016 election"
2018-12-18 3,500 troops ready
2018-12-19 'Horrified' firms warn time is running out
2018-12-20 House of Commons rises
2018-12-25 Xmas Prediction
2018-12-29 "UK to spend £108m on no-deal ferries"
2018-12-30 BBC: "No-deal Brexit ferry contract sparks concerns"
2019-01-01 Anti Tax Havens, EU Directive
2019-01-03 Brexit freight ferry firm appears all geared up - to deliver pizzas
2019-01-07 House of Commons returns
2019-01-09 Debate preceding "Meaningful vote" starts.
2019-01-11 Letter to MP Greg Clark
2019-01-13 British in Europe may need to return to UK to burden NHS & unemployment.
2019-01-14 Munich meeting with Consul
2019-01-15 May's Deal Rejected
2019-01-21 Government has to present new plans to the Commons
2019-01-23 Letters to 3 MPs +
"People's Vote" launched People' s Voice Questionnaire
2019-01-24 Airbus warns of a no deal brexit
2019-01-25 Queen in Blue hat with Yellow dots, like EU flag
+ Was to have been Overseas Electors Bill Reports stage, seems to have slipped
2019-02-03 Pulse of Europe rally - EU & UK flags
2019-02-14 House of Commons rises
2019-02-25 House of Commons returns
2019-03-03 Pulse Of Europe Rally
2019-03-05 Macron: protect their election process against cyber-attacks
2019-03-15 Petition to Queen sent from Munich
2019-03-17 theguardian . com / uk - news / 2019 / mar / 17 / cambridge - analytica - year - on - lesson - in - institutional - failure - christopher - wylie
Cambridge Analytica a year on: ` a lesson in institutional failure' "UK, parliament published an official report that called Facebook "digital gangsters""
2019-03-18 House of Commons Speakers Statement summary: No repeat "Meaningful vote", waste of time.
2019-03-19 No-deal Brexit: UK to pay some health costs of retired Britons in EU
PM Theresa May asks for extension, More election fines on Brexiteers
2019-03-20 Barnier tells May she must offer 'something new'
2019-03-22 Overseas Voters Bill
2019-03-23 Demo in London #PeoplesVote Referendum
2019-03-29 Doomsday #1 23:00. Was Extended
2019-04-01 May Day = Fools Day
2019-04-03 Scan of circular letter from Munich KVR (Kreis- Verwaltungs- Referat)
2019-04-04 House of Commons rises
2019-04-12 Doomsday #2 was extended
2019-04-23 House of Commons returns
2019-05-17 Meeting in Munich
2019-05-19 Demo in Munich Pro EU - Before EU Elections
2019-06-25 Boris Johnson will force Brexit "Do or Die" 31st Oct
2019-07-20 London March
2019-07-24 New PM Boris Johnson & What happened to the private prosecution of Boris Johnson
2019-08-28 UK PM Boris Johnson launches first coup attempt
2019-08-29 Lords government whip resigns. Senior Conservatives opposition to Pro-Rogation.
2019-09-03 No-deal opponents defeat government
2019-09-04 Majority & Minority
2019-09-05 PM's brother quits as Tory MP and minister
2019-09-08 Amber Rudd, resigns as Cabinet Minister & from Tory whip
+ Another bomb in N. Ireland
2019-09-09 Royal assent received
2019-09-10 Parliament Suspended by Coup Plotters Boris Johnson, Rees-Mogg & cronies
2019-09-11 Parliament Suspension Ruled Illegal
2019-09-12 Yellowhammer papers released
2019-09-14 Cameron: "another referendum cannot be ruled out"
2019-09-15 "Guardian: ` Johnson is a liar who only backed Leave to help his career' - David Cameron"
2019-09-16 Brexit press conference goes on without Johnson
2019-09-17 UK Supreme Court Will Sit - Current Cases
2019-09-18 UK Supreme Court, Day 2
2019-09-23 -
2019-09-24 Supreme Court judgement due 10:30 BST = 10:30 CEST for the 750K Brits robbed off a vote in Europe.
2019-09-25 Parliament Resumes
2019-09-30 Brexit and the currency speculators .. People who have invested billions in shorting the pound
2019-10-01 Boris Johnson attacks own sister about Brexit hedge funds.
2019-10-02 Boris Johnson wants to Prorogue AGAIN !
2019-10-03 Swiss banks benefit as rich Britons line up escape route
2019-10-04 PM 'cant' be trusted' on Brexit delay, Court of Session told
2019-10-08 Boris Johnson wants to Prorogue AGAIN !
2019-10-14 Queen's Speech written by Boris Johnson s minority Government
2019-10-18 European Council summit
2019-10-19 Stop The Coup Rallies across the country before, culminating in a
March in London
Johnson minority Government loses yet again, This time the Letwin Amendment
2019-10-24 Another Munich Consol s Meeting - No Press allowed.
2019-10-31 Doomsday #3
2019-10-31 BBC: Gove denies holding back Russia interference report
2019-12-02 Email to BBC: Please interview some British [electors] abroad.
2019-12-05 Urgent question on the delay of a report investigating Russian influence.
2019-12-17 An urgent question on the delay of Russian report.
2019-12-21 This page author on BBC Any Answers: The ticking 1 year negotiation time bomb to No Deal Hard Brexit
2020-01-19 2020-01-19 : Stunning statistics from ljk@ & Rod
2020-01-31 Final Doomsday #4, Act of parliament that PM Boris Johnson must ask from EU by end of 2019-10-19
"Ratification and departure" "At 11 p.m. GMT, 31 January 2020, the United Kingdom's membership of the European Union ended, 47 years after it had joined.[12]"
Brexit Occurred
Wake in Munich, inc. Scottish Piper.
2020-02-02 Flag flown inverted (with an EU flag too) at Pulse of Europe, Munich
2020-03-04 Petition To Parliament Started,
Publish the Russia report That's now expired so see: Petitions on Parliament Petitions Site
2020-03-08 Russian Bombers Deterred + Russia report Suppressed for a Year + Galileo
2020-03-11 BBC: General election 2019: What's the evidence that Russia interfered?
2020-04-13 court case about nature of EU citizenship
2020-04-16 IMF (Christiane G) calls for Brexit trade deal deadline delay, because of Corona pandemic
2020-05-20 Government admit another PM's lie
2020-06-16 'Almost certain' Russians sought to interfere in 2019 UK election - Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab
(So did Russian paid advertising also influence UK to vote for Brexit ?)
2020-07-31 Crony Peerages from PM Bozo
2020-11-17 YouGov found people who think the Brexit decision was "right" has dropped to 38%
2020-12-15 xx
2020-12-24 Trade deal agreed between negotiators. Needs to be ratified by EU & UK
2020-12-30 Parliament meet to debate
2020-12-31 Eve of Brexit, Bozo's father applies for French citizenship
2021-01-01 The Davis Downside Dossier
2021-01-07 Bank of England Governor expects 4% loss of GDP from Brexit
2021-01-08 Closure of Brexit committee, to stop scrutiny of failures in the trade deal
2021-01-14 Food At the border for travelers - what's banned
2021-01-18 Guardian: Brexiteers are waking up to the damage they've done
2021-01-31 23:00 GMT = 24:00 CET, Brexit
2022-08-10 www . trueandfairparty . uk/ founded by Gina Miller
2022-09-14 BBC: Russia covertly spent $300m to meddle abroad - US www . bbc . com / news / world - us - canada - 62897570
2023-02-20 Cologne (Koeln) Carnival float ridicules "Miss Brexit"
2023-02-28 Ni Protocol slated to be ditched, Windsor Framework appeared.
www . bbc . co . uk / programmes / m001Jul33
2023-06-10 Johnson Dis-Honour List & resigns as MP before pushed
2023-06-15 Report Published On Johnson
2023-06-19 Report On Johnson accepted by House of Commons, by 354 votes to seven
2024-01-16 First day Brits abroad can finally register to vote
2024-02-03 Petition for proportional representation supported by Open Britain
2024-02-02 Brexit removed London's right to obtain data about people/cars resident in EU, so now London illegally obtains data via Italy to try to levy un-enforceable London "Congestion Charges" (a mis-named vehicle pollution tax). merkur . de / welt / adac - mitglieder - melden - geld - forderungen - aus - london - Zr - 92810010.html (Disclaimer: Many excremental flashing adverts)
2024-03-27 EU refuses UK passports over 10 years old
2024-04-04 UK Continues EU trade war: BBC: Food price fears as Brexit import charges revealed
2024-04-12 BBC: Belgium probes Russian interference in EU elections
2024-05-20 BBC: Post-Brexit NI trade cost over GBP 500m + BBC Radio 4 said National Audit Office say Government has no clear timetable to complete post brexit border arrangements at the border with the EU estimated 4.7 billion pounds. See also:

Corrections Welcome

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Brexit Margin Fraudulent - 2016-06-23 Referendum Un-democratic !

A Brexit lie : " We all had our vote & must now live with it! "
But most impacted Brits in the EU had NO VOTES!
The government lie : " Democratic " in Article 50 letter to EU paragraph 3, line 1.
But UK steals the right to vote from Brits abroad after 15 years.
More than 110 countries allow passport holders living abroad to vote
UK is second Worst of EU's 28 countries for depriving citizens votes abroad. : Right of expatriates to vote in their country of origin

  Brexit lies & media funding: Follow the money !


Britain stole the vote from 750,000+ of 2,000,000 British in EU -
Dis-franchised: 3.7 Million globally : Gerrymandering ( Wiki)

You'd expect British residents abroad in EU over 15 years should be well informed on UK, EU, & Brexit, & worthy of a vote ?
UK instead steals our right to vote, dis-franchises us!
As excuse, UK mis-appropriated as precedent, the 15 year limit for UK local internal general election suffrage .
UK ignores that many British long term ex-pats in EU would be increasingly Better informed about EU, than many UK citizens who've just stayed home in UK, traded with EU, or holiday-ed in EU.
UK dis-franchises some of its most informed & affected citizens!
UK hypocrisy cheats:
  • The UK, resident in the EU longer than 15 years, asserts its right to vote on Brexit
  • Yet UK stole the same right to vote on Brexit, from UK citizens equally resident in the EU longer than 15 years.
Petition The Queen : Votes for Life

Back To Top Of Page

  Statistics , Demographics, New Young Voters Denied, Old voters Died

    No Taxation Without Representation 1750 and Now

  • Political solutions within UK
    • Contact MPs :
      • The changing sentiment in the country, the narrow original percentage vote difference has narrowed, flipped or nearing yet ?
      • Ex pat votes were gerrymandered , stolen.
      • The enormity & longevity of issues, compared with trivial repetitive 5 year General Elections.
      • Remind MPs of the old adage: "It's the economy, Stupid!" Where will UK be as the Pound continues to dive faster after Brexit ? Parliament need to think longer term for UK, than fickle pendulum voters in ballot booths giving government a kick.
    • London & Scotland & sensible MPs could & should
      • Force non party whipped, free individual conscience non party votes in Commons & Lords (Brexit issues are Not conventional left/right UK party politics, it's an abuse of the whip using it to bolster Theresa May's Hard Brexit).
      • Force government to give ex pats votes.
      • Force a referendum on negotiated terms, after terms are negotiated & published.
    • Petition the Queen : Votes for Life

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RESULTS of 2016-06-23 Referendum : Narrow decision to leave EU

BBC ... eu_referendum / results
Leave 17,410,742 Votes 51.9%
Remain 16,141,241 Votes 48.1%
Difference 1,269,501
British in EU, Denied A Vote Between 750,000+ to 2,000,000
British globally, Denied A Vote 3.7 MILLION!

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Find & Email Your MP, or if abroad Any MP

  • Best Find An MP's Email Address: parliament . uk / mps - lords - and - offices / mps /
  • Or (2nd best) Find a Lord by topic:
  • Essential Prefix To MPs: " My post code is:___, "
    • Emails to MPs have to have "your" postcode (or more accurately: some postcode that is within the MPs constituency) else filters in Parliament discard the mail, (and maybe also at or constituency or party office ).
    • If you've been out from UK over 15 years & Parliament has stolen your right to vote & your MP, Don't let it stop you writing & receiving replies from MPs, which others out over 15 years have already proved Can be done.
    • Just look up an MP that you think could represent you, & read & use their postcode from their Parliament or constituency web sites, or to be a bit more clever, find an adjacent property in constituency using a map server , or royalmail . com / find - a - postcode.
    • Or better: use a friends, relatives, or colleagues address, someone who can forward (maybe by scan & email) paper mail, as some MPs answer by email, but some, or maybe their parties just send standard replies by paper snail mail.
  • Suggestion: What To Write:
  • How Many ? How Often ?
    • As Parliament stole Brits Abroad's votes & silenced Brits Abroad for years, & they've only just realised how to make themselves heard, & as Brexit will hit Brits resident in the EU harder than Brits resident in the UK, threatening residence & work permits , health cover etc...
    • You could make up for past abuses & lost time:
    • You could decide to write more than one MP, eg place you were last on electoral roll, & place where you now most identify, etc.
    • Some write regularly.
  • You could copy what you send to brexit@ mail list so others can be inspired to send similar.


Sign Petitions on Parliament Petitions Site
See Also: List of contacts for letter writing campaign.

July 2016 & Beyond

  • The post 2016-06-23 Referendum political chaos { inc. Conservative & Labour resignations, challenge from Scotland, legal moves to ensure a prime minister can't just implement Brexit without parliament (Mischcon), half baked ignorant statements ignoring individual civil rights embedded in treaties beyond mere EU, etc} Creates time & space through to the Autumn & beyond, to think deeper, & better consider all aspects of a possible Brexit, rather than stupidly take the narrow 2016-06-23 Referendum margin as knee jerk authorisation to leave.
  • It was infuriating to listen to radio in UK for days after 2016-06-23 Referendum , to repeatedly hear lots in ignorance say
  • "We've all had a chance to vote, now we must implement it" IT'S A LIE ! We did Not _All_ have a chance to vote !!
  • BRITAIN STOLE OUR VOTES : Author is a British citizen, was physically in UK (Kent) on the day & not eligible to register or vote
  • It would be irresponsible to push Brexit through without serious House Of Commons & Lords multi readings & debate.
  • Some in UK who voted Leave EU really just intended a kick or warning to the EU Brussels bureaucracy, some probably didn't expect a majority with immediate consequences. Even many who voted Remain In EU also consider the Brussels bureaucracy overpaid, bloated, forcing ever more regulations on us too fast, annoying almost all members with their wide interference. Bloat worsened by speaking every language in the EU, with costs of interpreters & translators, delays & mis-understanding. Even wasting a 1/4 of their time each month in Strasbourg. Many citizens of the EU outside the UK also think we need a looser Europe with flexibility, moving slower together, not forced fast by overpaid EU bureaucrats driving their own agenda of grand visions.
  • Author expects UK economy & house prices will soften & drop in autumn 2016, when politicians return from holiday & the disaster progressively starts to unravel.
    • Business likes stability & a predictable future market. Brexit will produce a lot of market disruption & more scares as it unfolds. Building new alternative trade agreements & finding customers outside EU will take years.
    • Whether investing in new production lines, or lubricating foreign palms to place "invisible export" contracts in UK, etc, It takes time to recoup investments. More reason for a bust than a boom.
    • Bankers in London fear for jobs. France & Germany will make bids yet again to shoulder out the London finance market.
    • Would an EU citizen buy a house in London today ? With some idiot UK politicians saying existing EU people in UK might have to go home ? Half a Million French in London author recalls ? Maybe same again for Poles ? Whatever the numbers are, won't be good for London & SE property market
    • A bad time to ` invest' in UK property. (Except perhaps not a bad time for buyers with Euros or dollars as pound is worth a lot less ).
    • Some in UK will start trying to drive harder bargains courtesy of Brexit fears.
    • Britain in 20 years might or not do better outside EU, but short term next year or 2, UK will do worse, The disaster of Brexit will take time to unfold. (When West Germany damaged its economy acquiring East Germany, it was a 20+ year long financial disaster (though benefited NATO)).
  • Message as sent 2016-07-19 18:31 CEST to Ian Blackford MP, SNP who will open debate on the Petition. (Others might like to send similar to other MPs)
    Brexit: Westminster Hall 2016-09-05 16:30. UK stole 750,000+ votes from British in EU .
    Dear Mr Ian Blackford
    Julian H. Stacey
    +49 .. ........ (Germany, happy to call back, flat rate to UK land lines)
  • 2013-05-07 Shindler v. the United Kingdom, - Application no. 19840/09 - European Court of Human Rights - Re general election of 5 May 2010 - no violation of Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention
  • echr . coe . int / Documents / Guide_Art_3_Protocol_1_ENG . pdf
    Page 10 of 30 Right of citizens residing abroad to vote
    Guide on Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 - Right to free elections

    31. In a series of cases beginning in 1961, the Commission declared inadmissible, as manifestly ill- founded , complaints about restrictions on voting rights based on a residence criterion (see the Commission decisions: X. and Others v. Belgium ; X. v. the United Kingdom (11 December 1976) ; X. v. the United Kingdom (28 February 1979) ; X. v. the United Kingdom (13 May 1982) ; Polacco and Garofalo v. Italy ; Luksch v. Germany ). 32. The Court subsequently reiterated the compatibility y with Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 of the residence criterion . Such a restriction can be justified for a number of reasons:
    # first, the presumption that non -resident citizens are less directly or less continuously concerned by their country 's day -to-day problems and have less knowledge of them ;
    # second , the fact that candidates standing for election to Parliament cannot so easily present the election issues to citizens living abroad, who will also have less influence on the selection of candidates or on the drafting of their manifestos ;
    # third , the close connection between the right to vote in parliamentary elections and the fact of being directly affected by the acts of the political bodies thus elected; and, Guide on Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 - Right to free elections
    # fourth , the legitimate concern the legislature may have to limit the influence of citizens living abroad in elections concerning issues which, while fundamental , primarily affect those living in the country
    Obsolete Old Tosh, 1961 was decades before Internet cheap phone calls & satellite TV, & eg local radio political call in show over smart phone apps ! & Brexit impacts UK citizens in EU More than UK citizens in UK, not less!
  • 2016-11-03 - BBC: Brexit court defeat for UK government
    Ruling in full
    Gina Miller founded
  • 2016-12-08 BBC Last day of supreme court hearing. expecting the judgement in January
  • Back To Top Of Page



2016-05-09 18:00: 2ND MUNICH MEETING

Invitation To 2nd Munich Meeting:

Open meeting with the Consul

Host Arranger: Robert Harrison

MUC Brits and Brexit - Q&A with Paul Heardmann - Consul

Hosted by Robert Harrison facebook page Monday, May 9 at 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM in UTC+02

Hacker-Pschorr Bräuhaus MünchenTheresienhöhe 7, 80337 Munich, Germany


After our meeting in March, a number of people had questions about the 2016-06-23 Referendum and the effect on UK citizens living in Munich and surrounding areas. Paul Heardmann, who is the Consul General in Munich, has kindly agreed to a Q and A session on 9 May at 18:00 in the Pschorr Brauhaus, Theresienhöhe.

He can talk about the British government's position and about voting rights for expatriates in general. Please bear in mind that his role in Germany and Bavaria is to present the government's view and to work for a solution that is good for the UK and its citizens in Germany, whatever the outcome of the (2016-06-23) Referendum . I'm sure that he will convey any concerns that back to London, but until the outcome of the (2016-06-23) Referendum , he will not be able to speculate about any outcomes.

We had a good turnout for the last meeting and I' ve booked a slightly larger room. The event is free of charge - the restaurant will charge for food and drink.

To give us some idea of numbers, please let us know whether you would like to come.

Rob' s Facebook page has a discussion button, but no public access ... Facebook monopoly.

To help know how many seats are needed,
Please email ( Remove all '_' ! )

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NOTES FROM 2ND Munich MEETING 2016-05-09:

A few friends couldn't make it & asked author for a report, rather than repeat by phone & over a beer etc, notes below.
Corrections Welcome

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Notes Of Meeting

  • author counted & recalls maybe 30 or so, maybe more were still arriving then. author thinks Rob counted more later ?
  • Vast majority by a show of hands (called by an audience member on Faraday table) could Not vote, been here too long, just a few could vote, about 4 or 5 maybe). Considerable resentment that we couldn't vote.
  • Most by far were edging toward retirement or retired, only very few were near young ... (There are lot of young British in Munich, not there though).
    Several lawyers in audience, Various EPO, Faraday, Berklix etc
  • Lots of concern to spread the word both in Munich & back home. Postcard size green flyers handed out promoting gov . uk / register - to - vote
  • Nearly all seemed in favour of UK remaining in EU.
  • Consul was introduced. He's been in Munich 4 years.
  • Consul spoke:
    • Promoting staying in EU, following the government line.
    • Asked if he should play it neutrally with a civil servant's straight bat, he did not feel the need, & was happy to promote the government line: Stay in EU.
    • Soon-ish [date?] Consul will be bound by purdah & must then remain neutral.
    • He gave a timetable of events (all verbal, nothing written, stuff like when his purdah starts). He said we have about a week to safely apply to vote.
    • He made no mention there's a great mass of British throughout EU seriously annoyed we're dis-franchised by 15 year rule;
    • No mention of law case to try to get us votes, until we asked about case , at which point 3 or more audience members informed us.
    • He knew by prior show of hands, how few of us could vote, as dis-franchised by his employer the UK government, but did Nothing to inform us to help overturning the wholesale dis-franchising of us, British citizens in Munich & Bavaria, (even though if we were enfranchised, the vast majority was inclined to vote per his government instructors).
    • Various members of audience seemed to think he wasn't casting much light on various topics he could have. A subset of those things were generally realised to be unforeseeable, & as he pointed out he's not on an expert on German Nationality procedure of course. Perhaps he' d be more forthcoming on trade, than our voting franchise & personal rights interests, but before the Chamber Of Commerce meeting he'll be into purdah so can't speak there.
  • A lot of concern about pensions, right to residence & work, & variety of other topics.
  • Some abstract discussion about some Vienna convention on citizens retaining right in event of ...
  • Some here (R.) are applying for German citizenship. Can't have dual German & other citizenship (said various people, but this author believes that is too simplistic, there are minor exceptions, can't remember, author recalls Jews & 2 other categories ? A German national (C.) told author after, if eg mother German & ... but most have to choose at 18 - however that's a matter of German law, not British law, French, Polish law etc.). Can have eg British & French dual.
  • There's a law case going through the courts, re us not being able to vote. Someone from Faraday/EPO long table by window handed author earlier papers. author showed to D. D told us all: result was/ would be today (same day as our meeting) Little chance of appeal succeeding.
  • One can renounce British citizenship irrevocably if one wants, but German constitution gives more protection .
  • EU treaty says 2 years if a country wants to leave. When starting ? Not specified. D. thought it would take far longer, & after 5 years UK might start to negotiate to re-enter EU.
  • Some inc. P
    . want to meet on election night as the results come in, preferably with a live news feed. (It was probably assumed TV would be nice, but a bar/ restaurant beer garden with an accessible WLAN for eg an Android tablet + a "Film on Live TV App" might choke on limited bandwidth - might be better to settle for an Android FM Radio App, or even just a high quality conventional radio, any of which this author could bring) .
    That & other follow up Can be discussed on mail list.

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There were 5,949 British (3,654 male, 2,295 female) in Munich at 2015-12-31 (Source muenchen . de "Die ausländische Bevölkerung nach der Staatsangehörigkeit 2015 - Stand 31.12." ).
Unknown how many will be blocked by the over 15 year lack of UK residence rule, not allowed to vote like children under 18.

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To Move Within Page


  • Costs of dual citizenship, passports, IDs. language & citizen knowledge tests, certified translations of documents.

  • Germany:
    • Einburgerungstest (VHS = Volks Hoch Schule) € (EUR) 25,00
    • Deutsch-Test (VHS = Volks Hoch Schule) € (EUR) 160,00
      Speculation from author: sounds damn expensive, did it include a short course ?
    • Copy of Birth Certificate (if necessary) € (EUR) 10,99 (£ (GBP) 9,25 + bank charges)
    • Translation of Birth Certificate
      (EUR) 66,60
    • 150: Translations
    • 30: A one day course, where they give you a tip: Don't read while listening to the dummy conversation in German about whether someone will got to a meeting, cos right at the end, the man changes his mind, & says OK Yes I will go then. & one might otherwise miss that.
    • Citizenship:
      Einbürgerungs Fee ( KVR) €(EUR) 255,00 (payable when you get your certificate)
    • Passport
      (Bürgerbüro) € (EUR) 60,00 (payable on application)
    • Identity card
      (EUR) 28,80
    • Plus Passport photos (as necessary)
    • TOTAL Approx. € (EUR) 606,39
    • Munich: muenchen. de / rathaus / Stadtverwaltung / Kreisverwaltungsreferat / Staatsangehoerigkeit -- Einbuergerung / Gebuehren . html
  • UK
  • Back To Top Of Page


  1. Index
  2. European Union: European Free Movement Instrument
  3. A petition on

  4. Back To Top Of Page




Russian Interference In Brexit

Future Possibilities & Probabilities :

  • Hard Brexit may erupt, after collapse of negotiations already way behind schedule expect trade, travel, & transport chaos. UK & EU politician will blame each other, irrelevantly, while many business & peoples suffer.
    See BBC' s 14 October 2017 "Brexit: What would ' no deal' look like?"
  • UK tax haven users, if they sponsored Brexit media, will celebrate money well spent to evade new EU anti tax haven law.
  • UK Economic decline for a decade, (Global trade deals take far longer than two years to negotiate. It took the German economy longer to recover after acquiring moribund East Germany).
  • Young British in the UK will lose their right to easily work a couple of years on the continent, for career advancement & adventure, & will criticise the old fogies who blighted their careers, voting for Brexit.
  • British abroad will curse the Stolen Brexit Referendum of 2016-06-23 that imperils their continued residence, work & life abroad in the EU.
  • The most dynamic workers may emigrate from the damaged UK, no longer to the EU, but further globally, with less incentive to return once the break from UK & Europe is achieved.
  • Masses of British might be forced home from EU (eg masses retired in Spain) back to live in the UK, burdening UK housing stocks & NHS, unless a Brexit deal is done.
  • Exposure of the Lie " We all had a vote - now we must live with it!" - 3.7 Million were denied a vote - 760,000 in Europe
  • Idiocy over-ruled: Those who deny British Abroad a vote.
  • Brexit campaign funding exposures: Tax haven evaders sponsoring Brexit to avoid the EU's 2019 anti tax haven law & maybe also sponsored by Putin's Russia (to weaken the West) ?
  • vote, stealing our democracy, may be over-ruled. The idiots who similarly said "I don't think we should give the Scots a vote on independence " were similarly over ruled. Idiots who steal democracy incite violent opposition & revolt.
  • Exposure as rogues, liars, etc, of some politicians abusing Britain for personal & party advantage, inc. supine MPs submitting to party whips rather than heeding conscience & duty to constituency & country: Traitors to Britain & democracy.
  • Self serving political leaders dumped.
  • Scotland / Wales / N. Ireland revolt to remain in EU ? Or London independence ? Declaring eg: London declares independence from the UK, (UDA, Rhodesia style) , & will operate as a city state like Singapore, & joining the EU [with Scotland], or co-operating with the EU, Norway style.
  • British of Internet generations will increasingly out vote the dieing old fogies of Empire.
  • Some Brexit advocates claim Brexit is final, but it is no more final than was the ` finality. of The war to end war aka World War One ... followed by World War Two.
  • Britain may later choose or Need to rejoin the EU later, likely on worse terms than Brexit forces on us now, (eg loss of rebate, compulsory Euro for future members etc).

Article 50 Can Be Extended

If European Council & UK agree. lisbon - treaty . org / wcm / the - lisbon - treaty / treaty - on - European - union - and - comments / title - 6 - final - provisions / 137 - article - 50 . html
3. The Treaties shall cease to apply to the State in question from the date of entry into force of the withdrawal agreement or, failing that, two years after the notification referred to in paragraph 2, unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period.
  en . wikipedia . org / wiki / European_Council
comprises the heads of state or government of the EU member states, along with the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission.
So UK + 27 + 2 EU would need to agree.
If both sides decide in last week[s], its in their mutual interest to stop the clock, they could. eg if hard Brexit looms, both sides forsee massive losses in disrupted trade & services, & UK also announces "As UK & EU are expected to fail to agree a deal by the deadline. UK will make No Leaving Payment to EU that was discussed in the rejected deal. Both sides should meet urgently to discuss per Art 50.3 If & how long negotiations might or should be prolonged." Realists both sides must know 2 years was too short to negotiate trade deals etc that usually take much longer, + both sides have behaved badly, & presumably know it, not just UK but EU too, eg with: Galileo

Snouts In The Trough ?

"Dig for victory! " - or - Dig for Dirt ?
Leaver Snouts Deep In Brexit Troughs ?

1943: A WW2 campaign to grow vegetables .
2019: Search for skeletons in cupboards of eg some MPs in ERG Europhobe Reactionary Group who promoted Leave ? Or others ? Dig for yourself. Some may be clean, some may not. Remember the MP's expenses scandal.

Hard to find if & when all non parliamentary incomes gets ACOBA clearance, an example :

MP Main Page Financial Interests
  Jacob Rees-Mogg 2017-11-09 , 2018-07-24, 2019-08-28 , 2019-09-03 lounging in H. of C. { & Hansard } , 2019-09-10, 2019-09-24 , 2019-10-02, 2021-01-08 , Wikipedia, Salary.
Financial Interests (Inc. ~ £15,000+ per month from Somerset Capital Management, etc)
Michael Gove Financial Interests
  Priti Patel Financial Interests - See Also: Acoba
Chris Grayling Financial Interests
Anne-marie Trevelyan Financial Interests
Liam Fox Financial Interests Curiously little info.
  Iain Duncan-Smith Financial Interests
John Whittingdale Financial Interests
Bernard Jenkin Financial Interests
Steve Baker Financial Interests
Douglas Carswell Not in 2017 election

  Boris Johnson
Prime Minister's Salary
Financial Interests
(inc. eg: "From 11 July 2018 until 10 July 2019, articles for the Telegraph Media Group Ltd, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0DT, for which I expect to receive £22,916.66 a month"
2 November 2018, received £94,507.85 from GoldenTree Asset Management, 300 Park Avenue, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10022 via Chartwell Speakers, 14 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8HN, for a speaking engagement on 8 November 2018. Travel and accommodation also provided. Hours: 2 hrs.
See Also: example Guardian 17 Jul 2018: £275,000-a-year Daily Telegraph column ... "A spokesman for Acoba said Johnson had not sought its advice, as required, before returning to the role, the Daily Mail reported."
The Register of Members' Financial Interests As at 18 January 2021 Johnson, Boris (Uxbridge and South Ruislip)
  Andrea Leadsom Financial Interests @ 2 September 2019
"Nil" ! But See Guardian on Financial Interests of Leadsom' s Husband (& brother-in-law too)

For more ERG members see: wikipedia
Easy to search eg donors names in Financial Interests pages.

Salaries in Parliament , MPs, PM etc (Not including Allowances & Expenses)

Why Dig ?

Would be useful if a few Hard Brexit proponents were recalled & removed. ERG party within a party have parasited the Conservative & Unionist Party, to Break the UK from EU with a Hard Brexit, that will trigger a Split Of The Union of the ex United Kingdom of ` Great' Britain , fracturing Ireland & Scotland & maybe London, with preceeding civil insurrection & economic slump, & possibly Civil War later with splits of the UK. The UK economy & pound will dive when there are already too many other global downward economic pressures.

Some newspapers (inc. Guardian) have done articles on certain MPS, [perhaps or not now Ex] Ministers, & spouses thereof who will make massive fortunes if Brexit is forced. Regardless how much pre-Brexit already damages British economy, & how much more Hard Brexit will damage Britain.

The MP's expenses scandal may be the tip of an iceberg. Small fry caught, but bigger Brexit fish swimming deeper. Additional income is [probably incompletely] listed in MP's register of financial interests - 2017-2019, but they won't likely list massive potential future winnings for themselves, spouses & cronies if Brexit is forced through; & hardly likely to see mentions of "You scratch my back ... & I' ll give you a directorship later" type scenarios.

Who bought the opinions of the less intelligent &/or uninformed that some MPs pander to? Who pays to entertain & sway such MPs ? There' s massive money for some to win forcing Brexit. Worth it to some to liberally grease wheels.

The Media & Culture sub committee of House of Commons looked into some involvements, even Russian .

Journalists could do more more "Follow the Money" exposures, eg: Who paid for Cambridge Analytica ' s vote swaying? Who pays for newspaper editorials & opinions bundled in news? Who got fined by Electoral Commission so far? Who funds Farage & co. Whose investments require Britain to leave the EU, even if Britain has to crash out Hard?

How To Dig - A Trivial Example
BBC paid Rees Mogg GBP 200 for Any Questions 20 Feb 2019 ... which from
was recorded in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset
openstreetmap . org / node / 29425537 #map = 10 / 51 . 3472 /- 2 . 9779
a constituency adjacent to his: North East Somerset
Broadcast Sat 19 May 2018 13:10, so he presumably didn't need 200 GBP payment for petrol or hotel, & gets an
MP' s salary [+ allowances & expenses]
+ House of Commons Leader's salary,
+ £15 K per month from Somerset Capital Management , but took the BBC' s 200 as well, despite getting BBC air time to promote Brexit, which supposedly may benefit some financial interests.


Be cautious, distractions may arise from Brexit supporters sooner or later, In an era with:
  • Tweet bot flooding paid by political campaigners, fake likes, fake news.
  • USA senate hearings considering it was in Russia' s interest to promote Brexit (whether Russia did, being a seperate issue)
  • Some newspaper owners have long ground their own financial axes
  • Some web sites can promote petitions on anything, collect addresses, &/or carry adverts, providing commercial incentive to promote divisive multiple petitions, which may promote them, but not us.,
    (Disclaimer: Owner of makes no money on domain, & won' t)



A few places in this page have or had multiple links to same place, so they now indirect through this table
Top Of Page or Index

Short Links That Have Been Used For Printing On Paper Letters

(So a paper letter recipient can type in something easer, not something ridiculously long with loads of numbers and symbols).

To Mail List Or   Author

Author welcomes corrections of fact (not opinion), with specific web reference (URL)s & specific quotes. Not welcome: transient URLs to forum comments (aka tweets etc) that time expire, nor to pages hidden behind passwords aka Fbook & paywall locked newspapers, just static public references welcome.

UK firms out-sourcing are welcome to seek contacts via author for relay to British professionals in Munich, Bavaria, South Germany, in sight of the Alpssmiley face icon


Latest: Index of links for Brits Abroad re. Pension & Health Insurance Rights etc

New Section: 2020-12: Residence & Work Permits , Travel Visas , Health Insurance , Dual Nationality .


Links to Gina Miller


brexitcarnage . org
www . bmi . bund . de / SharedDocs / faqs / EN / topics / constitution / brexit / faqs - brexit . html # doc15091950bodyText1

Operation Brock: EU's French Border Staff in Dover creates massive traffic jams in Kent

  • Dover is the biggest car port in UK, & major truck route to EU.
  • Since Brexit there's been interminable trade / border / customs inspection disruptions from the European Union, with EU adding a massive bureacratic inspection burden to French border staff at Dover, & France often supplying insufficient border staff, thus paralysing Kent traffic with jams.
  • (The French border post is in Dover as UK & France swapped border posts long ago when Britain was in the EU & trade inspections were minimal, it eased the flow, avoiding ferry loads of vehicles queueing to exit the docks.)
  • As Dover harbour is a cliff with no land for parking, when the French immigration at Dover block the harbour, since Brexit, the UK blocks half the London Dover motorway, converting it into a truck park: The exits from the motorway sometimes overflow & the massive jam extends to bisect Kent.
  • Credit "Yes Minister" "If you must do this stupid thing, don't do it in this stupid way!" Fix Broken Brexit: Evict the French border from Dover back to Calais.
  • Calais has masses of concreted space on its dunes & more space beyond. Move the traffic chaos the EU causes, from the UK back to the EU The innocent stupid UK should not tolerate damage from EU obduracy.
  • The UK have less stringent trade restrictions, & don't disrupt travel, but as Dover has just a cliff, the UK should rent space in Calais to continue its UK border post.

Stolen VotesBerklix.Net Computer AssociatesDomainsApache: Web ServerFreeBSD: Operating System