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This is:

by Julian H. Stacey


List of Narrower Cars To Fit Older Narrow Garages. Single seat width cars You can get out of easily inside a garage ! Not shrunken 4 Seater Cars !
Modern Car Widths Have Bloated. Older brick & prefab etc garage blocks Have Not, & those garages don't have elastic brick walls & can't be widened into adjacent gardens unlike stand alone garages. Housing estates get congested by bloated fat cars that won't fit garages, parked on roads. (& Cities restrict 2 lane roads to one way, because of fatter cars & even fatter SUVs.


  • People still want to park & exit a car in a narrow garage that was built sized for smaller cars that were the norm decades ago.
  • For decades, cars have bloated wider (the now mis-named mini is one example of bloat, a Subaru is just another example among many manufacturers.
  • Many drivers are fatter, both wider on seats & deeper (front to back) Re. proximity to steering wheel & car length & Re. squeezing out of doors.
  • Better nutrition has produced taller people in Europe, needing higher car rooves, with concomitant problems if an upward raising door.
  • People live longer, & older drivers will be less flexible for more years, trying to squeeze out of vehicles, or giving up & parking on road.
  • Older people also won't want low slung vehicle seats as on some micro cars, they might also want higher seats, with doors approaching roof of garages if rotating up instead of outward.
  • No one with a narrow garage will want long doors, fat doors or fat vehicles
  • One option for slim flexible people is perhaps to go on the second hand market, & buy a real old car, especially if its been well preserved, (as very few are). However, even though a real old mini is smaller than a bloated modern fat mini, it still won't do for many, as drivers & passengers have grown fatter,
  • Single seat width vehicles are a solution, with just 1 seat, or perhaps a 2nd seat behind, eg a 1+1 (as opposed to a double width 2+2).
  • There is a new market for car manufacturers NOT addicted to bloat, (& that market is not just micro cars that are still 2 seats wide, & too tight, that will sell better in bulk to slimmer people in eg India than eg West Europe.)

List of narrow (1+1) type cars.

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