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Consol Mail List

This is

BSD Professional Computer Consultants Geographicly Globally Indexed,
For jobs with eg FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD etc

Join bsd-jobs@ Mail List

  • For BSD consultants in global geographic indexed table
  • For agents & customers seeking BSD consultant contractors
  • Not moderated - list writable by all members.
  • Agents & employers can phone nearest BSD consultants in global geographic indexed table then if not free, ask consultant to forward their enquiry.
  • Incentives to forward, for consultants who don't want that job :
    • Agents will note consultants' contacts for future jobs. (Agents may just have consultant's phone number un-noted in a browser while searching, until consultant offers to forward to list).
    • Maybe consultant gets a referral/ finders fee
    • When agents email consultants their keywords, saves consultant typing the agent contact detail to phone `book', & encourages consultant to forward to list.
  • Yes its a free list, despite this page is under .com, no catches! (Just like any of the other lists on @(free|net|open) & & many other (but not all) .org. The list owner seeks no commercial advantage beyond we all equally benefit. This page is under .com rather than the usual .org merely to remind all we are all Commercial Contractors, Employers & agents, & we all need to make a living, even though we programmers may also spend much of our free time also working with & for Free Source Code Projects.)
  • Other reasons for consultants on the table to also be on this list:
    • Table editor has no time to occasionally manually extract all email addresses from web page (some of which may only be web contact forms), to ask if any retirees or career changers have forgotten to ask to be deleted or if companies have restructured, or people moved etc.
    • Previously an impostor could mail the table editor & say "please delete my table entry." & editor was left to hope it was not an impostor. Now Mailman provides a request confirmation password, for sender to confirm request to unsubscribe from list; So after the table editor sees mail from Mailman to list owner that an Ex consultant has used Mailman to unsubscribe themselves from the mail list, that confirms to table editor to accept a subsequent mail request from ex consultant to be deleted from table.
BSD Jobs Lists:
[BSD logo]
Remit All *BSD, & maybe systems engineering / embedded beyond. "specifically related to FreeBSD" German Unix Sys Admin
Just Jobs Offered ? Or Wanted too ? Just Jobs Offered, No CVs/ Resumes Includes jobs wanted  
Contract Jobs ? Or Permanent Employee too ? Primarily Contract Jobs for *BSD freelance contractor consultants globally indexed. Includes jobs for permanent employees  
Moderated ? Not moderated. All members can post, instant relay. Moderators get first read of job ads; Failed to correct American job ads that assumed a national list; Censored questions: Is that a 2 letter USA code ? Is that America ? Where ?  
Archives Private currently. Archive immediately after posting as no moderator delay.

Whether best public or private can be discussed on list.

Public Archive if/ after moderator passes it when next at desk Private Archive

See Also:

Author: jhs@

Stolen VotesBerklix.Net Computer AssociatesDomainsApache: Web ServerFreeBSD: Operating System