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How/Why/Where To Create Internet Domains
by Julian H. Stacey


If you don't Need to, ... Don't !

  • It's Not Free, it will cost you time and money, both now & later.
  • It clutters up the Internet name space (slowing host name lookups).
  • For most individuals to register, who don't even have a true permanent 24 hour presence, but merely a bit of virtual web hosting & mail forwarding, it's mostly frivolous egotism to create trivial personal domains !
  • It's generally pointless &/or un-necessary for individuals to set up their own domain, unless they're in Internet business trading in a big way, etc.
  • It's Not necessary just for email, nor necessary just to have a few web pages.
  • There's a newsgroup dedicated to discussion of names & registrations etc: There you can also read of human parasites who indulge in cyber squatting, worthless people who impede the Internet's growth by blocking natural domain usage.
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How To Check If A Domain Exists

"nslookup" on a networked Unix box. Or use a web service. Or even use a browser, ftp, rlogin, telnet, or ping to tell if a site is currently on line answering, (even though they'll fail to connect often (for a variety of access/permission etc reasons). Note they won't tell you if the site exists, but is temporarily off line. Even MS-Windows has telnet (sometimes). Back To Index

ISPs (Internet Service Providers)

Charge Money for DNS (Domain Name Service), & options such as: [ Virtual domain hosting, Web Hosting, Mail forwarding, Email to Fax conversion etc ]. Back To Index

Basic Facts

  • An Internet Domain is Not the same as a mail address, for instance the domain of mail address is You can not use a domain address as a mail address.
  • You need an ISP (Internet Service Provider) to provide DNS (Domain Name Server) services, basically announcing to enquirers where on the Internet your computer is to be found.
  • The ISP can also provide virtual domain hosting for mail & web, if you don't have a dedicated Internet computer configured to work in server mode (note an end-user system configured to run under DOS or MS-Windows etc, that is Not a dedicated Internet server system)
  • Scared Off ? Don't understand enough ? Want to learn more before going further ? Go to my Web Technology page
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Registries & Charges

  • Rather than pay direct, You can also have an ISP (Internet Service Provider) do it for you.
  • USA: $ 70 US for 2 Years, then $ ?50 per year. @ 1.2001 reported by Lawrence as #22 sterling for 2 years
    From: Hostmaster
    Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 18:52:43 +0200
    Currently our registration templates are available via anonymous FTP
    from RS.INTERNIC.NET (  They are located under a subdirectory
    called "templates".  The file you will issue the get command on is
    The template contains the necessary instructions for completing the
    application and where to submit it for processing.
    There is a document, RFC 1591, that explains the rules to follow when
    registering domains. You can FTP to DS.INTERNIC.NET and download
    "rfc1591.txt". The file is located under a subdirectory called "rfc".
    You can only get this file through ftp from
    If we can be of further assistance, please advise.
    InterNIC Registration Services
  • European equivalent of internic.
  • Network Solutions NSI/Verisign's plan to take abandoned domains an auction them off
  • UK: 100 Pounds for 2 years then #50 per year.
  • " BRD (Germany): DM ? for 2 years then DM ? per year.
  • Tucows OpenSRS (from memory) I've only ever contacted them by email, and always received a response within 20mins. Posted by Nick Slager
  • So far I like Only $15/year and their customer service has been pretty helpful, even to someone like me who did it for the first time. Posted by Omar Thameen
  • I've had reasonably good success using Posted by Archie Cobbs
  • I'm using TUCOWS OpenSRS system for our registrations. They've been very reliable, and you just basically execute perl scripts that add it to their system, and deduct from the amount of pre- purchased credits on your accts. Domains are only $10/year, but you do need to buy in a larger bulk. Posted by Phillip Salzman
  • 12 euros per year an ICANN. Accredited registrar for .COM, .NET and .ORG domain names.
  • I (jhs) am not sure if this is a neutral body or a "for profit" commercial company.
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Domain Sharing

  • A cheap domain sharing & email forwarding scheme, so that you do not own a domain exclusively, but they do, & they pay the registration costs, thus could forward to someone in England & might go to someone in Peru, Fred & Jane not being related by family or company, or eve aware the other exists.
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Free Email Forwarding, Remote Logins & Web Pages

  • These sorts of things come free, as a side effect of working on a public domain software project. Why not contribute your efforts to the public good ? Projects such as FreeBSD & XFree86 & FSF need volunteer helpers, not only to write code, but to write & maintain docs & FAQs etc. Get active in a public project, & you'll soon end up with such facilities.
  • You can get free (paid by advertising) email addresses from lots of companies, Beware some companies will sell your address to many 3rd party junk mailers.
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Registrar Selection Criteria:

There's more than just annual fee to consider.
A few criteria:
  • To quote:
    Please note that in addition to the authorisation for transfer required by Total Registrations, two of our competitor registrars also require authorisation for a transfer away from their company. They will contact the administrative contact on record for the domain via email and request that the administrative contact authorise the transfer away from their registrar. If no authorisation is received from the admin contact within the permitted response time, the transfer will be automatically "nacked" and the transfer will not complete to Total Registrations.
    I wish I knew who those more retentive registrars are. - I like the sound of it.
  • Does your registrar have a web interface that allows you to change Server names ? Does your registrar have a web interface that allows you to change Server IP number while retaining same old name ?
  • Is there an automated system for mass conversion of all domains to new server names & / or numbers (via web or mail or both ) ?
  • Horrendous charges if you miss renewal date ?

Stolen VotesBerklix.Net Computer AssociatesDomainsApache: Web ServerFreeBSD: Operating System