A few of these are in foreign languages, so here are free translator
Podcast MP3 - Down load them & play them on a music
player while out for a walk.
English &
American Language. Listing does not necessarily mean I
like them or have time to read them. Order is
alphabetic by country & domain name (ignoring
www.), not by merit, preference or approval.
- ipsnews . net Inter
Press Service
- reuters .
- Australia: Itwire.Com/
business-it-news/ open-source
- arstechnica
. co . uk / tech - policy & Wikipedia
. Org / wiki / Ars_Technica
- Bbcwordservice
. com / click & Wikipedia
. Org / wiki / BBC_World_Service
- Dailymail.Co.Uk - Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Daily_Mail
Slow. Harvesting ? Eye catching exagerations in
right column. Exagerates, blinkered, distracts
with pics of women bursting out of clothes.
- Thedailymash.Co.Uk
- Wikipedia
. org / wiki / The_Daily_Mash
- Express.Co.Uk & Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Daily_Express
Slow as harvesting ? Eye catching exagerations
in right column.
Ft . Com -
Financial Times & Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Financial_Times
- Charges money, said BBC podcast 2010.11
- 2012-02-08: A mailed web ref to an
article on ft . com diverted recipient to
sign up for FT free "8 articles per 30 days"
which required agreement to
Legal verbiage (253 lines,
7009 words, 41507 characters)
beginning" ... terms of a legally
binding agreement between you and the
Financial Times."
"No FT ?" : "No Fliping Time!"
- Independent.Co.Uk ** - En
. Wikipedia . Org / wiki /
** 2016-02-16 link removed after they wrote me personaly, insisting on
advertising in German language at all people with
German IP numbers, in contravention of browser
assertion of English preference via HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE
(sample value: "en,de;q=0.8,fr;q=0.5,it;q=0.3" ,
Wikipedia explanation).
2016-02 No longer a newspaper. they gave up
printing on paper.
Not independent for years apparently, just when
they started (around 1986 maybe ?) & named
Private Eye wrote
2016-03 that Independent web company is separate,
not responsible for Independent print company
costs (re. some newspaper legal case)
Guardian . Co .
uk & Wikipedia
. Org / wiki /
- Free read, as paid by ads, (They get
about $60M / year in on line ads said BBC
podcast 2010.11
How to feed them confidential or Anonymous
- Metro.Co.Uk
wikipedia . org / wiki / Metro_
Tabloid style not high brow
- Mirror . Co .
Uk - Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Daily_Mirror
Down market glitz.
- Inews.Co.Uk/
- Newscientist . Com
- Wikipedia
. Org / wiki / New_Scientist
- Newstatesman . Com
/uk/ - Wikipedia
. org / wiki / New_Statesman Weekly paper
mag. Also by net.
- Opendemocracy .
net - Wikipedia
. org / wiki / OpenDemocracy
- Politico .
eu - Wikipedia
. org / wiki / Politico_Europe
- Private-Eye . Co .
Uk - Wikipedia
. org / wiki / Private_Eye
UK Political, Satirical, Exposure of corruption,
& publisher empire enforced news black-outs
- Rte.IeIrish
(Southern Ireland, Eire)
- Standard
. Co . Uk
- Theneweuropean .
Co . Uk - Wikipedia
. Org / wiki / The_New_European
- Theregister . Co .
Uk - Wikipedia
. Org / wiki / The_Register A favourite on
- Thesun.Co.Uk -
en . wikipedia . org / wiki / The_Sun_ ( United_
Kingdom )
- Thesundaytimes . Co
. Uk - Wikipedia
. Org / wiki / The_Sunday_Times
- Murdoch wanted people to pay to read, &
before you got to that you had to wait to
download bulky graphic rubbish.
- Timesonline . Co .
Uk -
wikipedia . org / wiki / The_Times #
Murdoch wanted people to pay to read. Ref BBC
podcast 2010.11
Telegraph . co .
Uk -
wikipedia . org / wiki / The_Daily_Telegraph #
Pay wall crippled. Page tails locked to
raise money
The Tory Graph pushed Brexit, & a mouthpiece
of Johnson. Brexit was
gerrymandered with
700,000+ stolen
votes & has richly paid Johnson.
Stinks of fish ?
Content guided by advertising: See 2015-02-17:
Why I have resigned from the Telegraph - - Peter
Oborne - former chief political
- Denmark: politiken . dk /
- Italy: Corriere Dela Sera in
Italian & in
- India, New Delhi:
- Qatar: Al Jazeera English - wikipedia
. org
- Russia: Link to Russian media removed after
Tsar Putin first stole Crimea, then 2022-02 invaded rest
of Ukraine. palace
for Tsar Putin
- Wikileaks: wikileaks . org - en . wikipedia .
org / wiki / WikiLeaks
Other Assorted
Multi Country &/or Multi Channel
- There are Android apps
that receive restricted range of channels, but they are
crippled, eg BBC AP only receives BBCs & only if in
UK, ditto ITV,
- There were Android apps
called FreeOnTV*, but they cheated on their name &
ceased to be free.
- There's an Android app
called Zapp on Android app
store f-droid . org that
only shows German public channels, not the private
channels, & fails to work in UK, IP blocked I
Multi Country & Multi Channel
- news . sky .
com / watch - live Probably available globally (except
where blocked by repressive regimes); but not blocked by the
sender. Watchable from German IP with no UK proxy
- (email me if others)