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Subaru Car Manual & Air Bag Light Diagnosis

by Julian H. Stacey

DEUTSCH via translate . google . com -

Legacy II (ie 2) Station Wagon (BG) BGC/510 1998 ,

BG is a [Station] Wagon (American) = Estate (British) = Kombi (German)
BD is a Sedan (American) = Saloon (British),
("Trend" just added a few optional frills to Legacy, not significant).

Index (Deutsch=Verzeichnis)

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Some local symbolic links will not work with a browser from or even locally on editor''s master site from as the .pdf are not [as yet] on line served by an httpd server.
For my (jhs@) local editing & viewing, use (Mouse copy the above into browser URL window, as the clickable href=does not work.)


  • Deutsch Fahrzeugbrief: Section 1: S-ARM EURO 2, G:92/97
  • Deutsch Fahrzeugschein: zu 2 7106 (jhs: 2020-01-27_KUES "Hersteller: 7106 FUJI HEAVY IND.(J.)")
  • Deutsch Fahrzeugschein: zu 3 36200Q1 (jhs: 2020-01-27_KUES "Fz Typ: 36200Q BD/BG")
  • Deutsch Fahrzeugschein: Section 7: K110/5600 (Kw @ RPM)
  • Deutsch Fahrzeugschein: Section 8: 2457 (cm capacity, ie 2.5 litre)
  • This Model
    HSN/TSN = 7106/362 =
    Subaru Legacy 2.5 Kombi (1996 - 1998) 150 PS (110 kW) | 2.457 cm ^3 | Benzin HSN/TSN: 7106/362 | Amtliche Typbezeichnung: #BD/BG (LEGACY KOMBI)
  • A Preceding Model (What is STH?)
    HSN/TSN = 7106/361 =
    Subaru Legacy 2.5 STH (1996 - 1998) 150 PS (110 kW) | 2.457 cm ^3 | Benzin HSN/TSN: 7106/361 | Amtliche Typbezeichnung: #BD/BG (LEGACY STH)
  • Following Model in changeover year 1998:
    HSN/TSN = 7106/387 =
    Subaru Legacy 2.5 Kombi AWD (1998 - 2003) 156 PS (115 kW) | 2.457 cm ^3 | Benzin .ps -1 HSN/TSN: 7106/387 | Amtliche Typbezeichnung: #BE/BH (SUBARU LEGACY KOMBI, 2.5 4WD)
  • Another Following Model (What is STH?)
    HSN/TSN = =
    Subaru Legacy 2.5 STH 4WD (1998 - 2003) 156 PS (115 kW) | 2.457 cm³ | Benzin HSN/TSN: 7106/386 | Amtliche Typbezeichnung: #BE/BH (SUBARU LEGACY 2.5 4WD STH)
  • Why it may be useful to know previous & following models:
    • When discovering anomalies between parts in vehicle & manual, (examples
      • My ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) with unexpected number of pins),
      • Maybe manufacturers eg Subaru were either:
        • using up remnant old stock of ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) parts from last previous model, or
        • might have run out of stock ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer)s, & used some ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer)s intended for next newer model ?
    • Subaru had 2 Legacy in 1998:
      My (jhs@) car was registered end of July 1998, but I think with the dealer or Subaru Germany for a while before, as dealer offered me a stock clearance price reduction subsidised by Subaru Germany, so when did Subaru Japan actually manufacturer it before import to Germany ? Which manual is actually appropriate (for which bits of the car) ? (eg Carglass had 1 or iteration of re-ordering a replacement windscreen cos of parts mis-match).

Which PDF Manual ?

My Intro

My (jhs@) car (Subaru Legacy 1998) air bag warning light was iffy, then came on solid. Subaru Dealers had failed to fix several times { Retired first dealer seemed to improve it, but he wasn''t happy it would last, & he didn''t say how he''d fixed it (trade secret or more likely foreign language limitations) (I noted at 2019-10 that the cable reel (informally: Clock Spring) seal is broken). 2nd dealer had no time on 1 or 2 services, then mechanic admitted he did not like doing electrics}. ( Pages=4442_121M_liberty_1998_2003.pdf Page=3599 of calls this "Roll connector" )

My Battery

I (jhs@) disconnected battery, left it to stand, touched brake pedals in case any electrolytics anywhere in car might be storing charge.
Subaru dealers tell me Subarus do not have a supplementary 2nd battery, unlike some other manufacturers example BMW

My Static

My (jhs@) synthetic material shirts & non leather footwear can give static shocks Wonder if bags probably blow on real current to heat explosive, or can also blow just on voltage (like silicon chips) ? - so I (jhs@) grounded myself to wheel chassis before removing bag.

Name SRS & Takata

"SRS Airbag" just means "Supplementary Restraint System", ie they expect safety belt to have held your body back in a crash before the bag explodes in your face . SRS is not a trade name (as I had falsely assumed it was), so seeing "SRS" does not mean you don''t have a Takata air bag, Takata are bad news:

How To Videos

There are Lots of How To videos on, examples: Most for different newer models I (jhs@) do not have, with sundry different tips, inc. eg:

References Elsewhere on web (alphabetic)

Reconstructing Manuals - Which ? + Sorting & merging a myriad of tiny PDFs

  • OBD 3 & 20 pin Connectors & ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) Pin Numbers Table

    2024-01 I (jhs@) purchased A 3 pin OBD2 adapter Cable:
    GEAMDY OBD2 Adapterkabel, OBD2 Verlängerungskabel On-Board-Diagnose Stecker, 3-Poliges Bis 16-Poliges OBD2-Adapteranschluss-Diagnosekabel, Für Diagnosescannerkabel
    But can not find a connector to plug in to.
    So its another case of vendor Bullshit claiming guaranteed to fit Subaru. Pictures: whole cable & plug & plug cut away to heat shrink insulated pins.
    Look same as ebay 3 Pin to 16 Pin OBD2 Adapter Connector Diagnostic Cable For Fiat Alfa Lancia
    & cabling confirmed by meter as the same:
    16 Pin #
    16 Pin #
    3 Pin # 3 Pin Crocodile Clip &/or Pin Funktion From Wikipedia ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) B84 Pin # ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) (B84) to OBD (B40) Pin Outs and Circuit Diagram ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) B84 Colour ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) (B84) to OBD (B40) Pin Outs and Circuit Diagram Where Subaru ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) (B84) to OBD (B40) Pin Outs and Circuit Diagram (Shown on Page=1574 of Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf) Also Connects To.
    4 & 5 13 & 12 2 Crocodile Black
    & Pin Yellow
    Ground (Used by Subaru) 17 & 18 JJLATER + B22 (4x4 pins) pin 16 to Ground
    Decide where to install socket then find a socket for a pin ground, or a bulkhead bolt for crocodile clip.
    7 10 3 Pin Black K-Line (Used by Subaru) 93 JJLATER  
    15 2 1 Pin Red L-Line (Not used by Subaru)   JJLATER Not shown on ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) (B84) to OBD (B40) Pin Outs and Circuit Diagram Page=1574 of Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf
    12 5     Manufacturer discretion. (Subaru Description: JJLATER) 91 JJLATER No need to connect this for generic non subaru OBD2 tools, only need to connect for Subaru specific test tools.
    13 4     Manufacturer discretion. (Subaru Description: JJLATER) 92 JJLATER No need to connect this for generic non subaru OBD2 tools, only need to connect for Subaru specific test tools.
    16 1   Crocodile
    12 Volt (Used by Subaru) 39 JJLATER + Connectors B62 & F45 Pin 10 via SBF-2 to +12V
    Any +12V, eg decide where to install socket then find a socket for a pin +12 and add a pin to red crocodile clip
    Socket looking in open end, cable further away from eye.
    Colour of sheath of cables discovered by cutting the 3 pin connector apart, as its useless intact.
    /----+ +----\
    | . . . | . |
    | 3 | 2 . 1 |
    | . . V . . |
    Back To Index
  • OBD2 Adding to a 1998 Subaru

    "Subaru OBD2 Pin-out" By Busaru
    youtube . com / watch ? v=17Yvm4WBMBk
    Frame Grab: subaru_obd2_addition.png
    Pin Function
    04 Ground
    05 Ground
    07 ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) Connector B84 Pin 93ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) (B84) to OBD (B40) Pin Outs and Circuit Diagram
    08 ATCU
    12 ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) Connector B84 Pin 91ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) (B84) to OBD (B40) Pin Outs and Circuit Diagram
    13 ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) Connector B84 Pin 92ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) (B84) to OBD (B40) Pin Outs and Circuit Diagram
    16 12 V
    Pins, Colour Written Description of Audio by BUSARU
    4 & 5 "black with a red stripe and silver tracer"
    I (jhs@) See: 4 Black with very dark red (ie I (jhs@) see brown) stripe & silver thin band
    I (jhs@) See: 5 black with silver band
    7 orange with white stripe & silver tracer (ie thin band) goes to computer ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) Pin 93ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) (B84) to OBD (B40) Pin Outs and Circuit Diagram
    8 solid red with silver tracer (band) to Automatic Transmission (ATCU) - cut & insulated = not needed for a VW swap
    12 light green with red stripe & silver tracer (band), goes to ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) Pin 91,
    13 light green with white stripe and silver tracer (band) ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) Pin 92,
    16 solid red with 2 silver tracers (bands) 12V, straight to battery, or rewire via ignition to avoid battery drain.
    +Mart Brandjes: In North America OBD2 was standard in 1995 for Subarus.

    Bóbr Bobrowski 1 year ago
    in Europe some cars from 98 have OBD style socket with subaru protocol all after 00 have same thing and after 02 its full OBD support present

    Marc Instone 3 years ago
    Is pin 7 what they call the K-Line ?

    +Marc I believe that''s right. To be honest, I''m not really sure what it means, just haven''t researched it.

    BUSARU 1 year ago
    +Bóbr Bobrowski Sorry mate, I should have mentioned that in the video - 98 Legacy.

    jhs@:He lists where pin numbers on OBD socket go to, but Not to another older diagnostic socket on a Subaru, but to a Subaru ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) (for some VW project).

  • OBD-II Connector, Section=2-7_[T2A3],
    Also known as 1 of 2 Data Link Connectors

    OBD-II From Wikipedia & Subaru Manual
    {Section=2-7_[T3B2], Footer=45,
    Page=331 of Pages=2461_62M_jhsm.pdf, Page=44 of Pages=546 all.pdf}.

    Wikipedia or Subaru
    ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) (B84) to OBD (B40) Pin Outs and Circuit Diagram Page=1574 of Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf,
    Page=? of Pages=2461_62M_jhsm.pdf,
    Footer=286, Sector=2-7_[T10BH2]
    Pin Number and Description Subaru Usage for comparison
    Wikipedia _1 Manufacturer discretion Blank
    Wikipedia _2 Bus positive Line Blank
    Wikipedia _3 Manufacturer discretion Blank
    Wikipedia _4 Chassis ground Ground
    Wikipedia _5 Signal ground Blank
    Wikipedia _6 CAN high Blank
    Wikipedia _7 K-Line (ISO 9141-2 and ISO 14230-4) K-Line of ISO 9141 CARB
    Wikipedia _8 Manufacturer discretion Blank
    Wikipedia _9 Manufacturer discretion Blank
    Wikipedia 10 Bus negative Line Blank
    Wikipedia 11 Manufacturer discretion Select Monitor clock
    Wikipedia 12 Manufacturer discretion Select Monitor signal (Subaru Select Monitor to ECM)*
    Wikipedia 13 Manufacturer discretion Select Monitor signal (ECM to Subaru Select Monitor)*
    Wikipedia 14 CAN low Blank
    Wikipedia 15 L-Line Blank
    Wikipedia 16 Battery voltage (+12 Volt for type A connector) (+24 Volt for type B connector) Power supply

    Wikipedia Wikipedia Shows pins 1-8
    as being on wider side.
    Wikipedia \.. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 ../
    Female Socket Seen from front.
    Wikipedia ..\ 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 /..
    Female Socket Seen from front.

    Subaru Subaru shows pins 1-8
    as being on narrower side,
    ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) (B84) to OBD (B40) Pin Outs and Circuit Diagram Page=1574 of Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf, Section=2-7_[T10BI0], Footer-286.
    (Subaru are wrong to number that connector that way, but all their circuit diagrams use their wrong numbering, so one must understand what they''ve done wrong).
    Page=2282 of Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf, Section=6-3_[D1A0] Footer-2,
    WIRING DIAGRAM, 1. General Description, A: WIRING DIAGRAM,
    "Each connector and its terminal position are indicated by a sketch of the connector in a disconnected state which is viewed from the front"
    Subaru ../ 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 \..
    As shown in Subaru manual.
    Subaru /.. 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ..\
    As shown in Subaru manual.

    Subaru \.. 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 ../
    Rotated axially around cable.
    Subaru ..\ 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 /..
    Rotated axially around cable.

    Subaru _1 power supply
    Subaru _2 blank
    Subaru _3 blank
    Subaru _4 Subaru Select Monitor signal (ECM to Subaru Select Monitor)*
    * : Circuit only for Subaru Select Monitor
    Subaru _5 Subaru Select Monitor signal (Subaru Select Monitor to ECM )*
    * : Circuit only for Subaru Select Monitor
    Subaru _6 Subaru Select Monitor clock*
    * : Circuit only for Subaru Select Monitor
    Subaru _7 Blank
    Subaru _8 Blank
    Subaru _9 Blank
    Subaru 10 K-Line of ISO 9141 CARB
    Subaru 11 Blank
    Subaru 12 Ground
    Subaru 13 Ground
    Subaru 14 Blank
    Subaru 15 Blank
    Subaru 16 Blank
    Back To Index

    OBD-II Pin-out Comparison Wikipedia To Subaru

    Assume subaru_Section=2-7_[T3B2]_p44,
    numbered the pins wrongly in their doc subaru_Section=2-7_[T3B2]_p44,
    (perhaps using their normal company method?) but assume & hope Subaru got pin placement right, that would match other devices functionality:
    Wikipedia Subaru Function
    _1 16 Blank
    _2 15 Blank
    _3 14 Blank
    _4 13 Ground
    _5 12 Ground
    _6 11 Blank
    _7 10 K-Line of ISO 9141 CARB
    _8 _9 Blank
    _9 _8 Blank
    10 _7 Blank
    11 _6 Subaru Select Monitor clock*
    12 _5 Subaru Select Monitor signal (Subaru Select Monitor to ECM)*
    13 _4 Subaru Select Monitor signal (ECM to Subaru Select Monitor)*
    14 _3 Blank
    15 _2 Blank
    16 _1 Power supply
    Back To Index

    OBD-II Conflict Of Pin-Out Numbering

    Subaru Pin numbering conflicts with industry standards, example all of The Subaru manuals I''ve looked at all have same pin-out numbering (all with pins 1-8 on narrow side, thus all wrong, as all inconsistent with wikipedia that has pins 1-8 on wide side of connector).
    (Maybe Subaru might have corrected manuals for newer models, I''ve not looked.)
    Subaru manuals:: It is important to realise how Subaru Pin numbering is screwed up, for when looking at Subaru circuit diagrams, & pin-outs of their other connectors, to figure how to connect wires from an industry standard OBD-II connector socket to a Subaru connector.
  • youtube . com / watch ? v=zgrifWm3G6k

    How to read Pre-''99 Subaru Engine Error Codes

    Join the 2 black plugs, turn on ignition (don''t start engine)
    "Check Engine" flashes (if a previous vendor has not crippled it).
    Count number of flashes
    If the CEL flashes regularly ie more than 6 long flashes, then there are no stored codes.
    Reset ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) by disconnecting battery overnight.
  • www . youtube . com / watch ? v=DhDzA-6dFm4 Title: "How to check fault codes on Subaru Legacy forester, Impreza or outback WITHOUT scanner"
    I presume this will only work on newer cars that have a matrix display for driven distance, whereas I have an old rotating mechanical display.
    Ignition on; Head lights on, Push trip 4 times; Lights off; Push trip 4 times;, Lights on; Push trip 4 times;
    Back To Index
  • "Subaru''s GENIUS Way to Check (and erase) ABS Codes" by Luke
    Ignition off; Insert a wire in Pin 6; Ignition On; Starts & Ends with 11;
    [He had 2 fault codes to clear.] To Clear: Leave Ignition on; Remove pin 6, ; 3 times within 12 secs, hold in for at least .2 of a second; Pin 6 Back in & leave. Ignition off & on; Should now just show 11; Remove pin & insulate.
    I tried this 2024-04-05 it didn''t work, I still have same My trouble codes: when I earth pin 1,

    This DIY video applies to all 1993-2001 Subaru Impreza models, however, Subaru used this diagnostic approach for many other models over the years, so this video actually has a much broader application across the entire platform.
    Back To Index
  • "Older Subaru Legacy Tips, Green and black connectors"

    youtube . com / watch ? v=3y55wdRsa3Q By Justin in Seattle on a 1992 Subaru Legacy
    Light brown (became yellow by My (jhs@) later car) plug:
    is oldest Subaru plug for diagnostic scanner.
    Called: Select Monitor One.
    Looks like 4 slots in a row, + 1 small hole in middle . But I think its actually 9 pins. Was normal up to 1995, still present in some models after
    2 green Connectors to join together:
    Called D (Dealer) Check Connector.
    2 contacts at right angles
    turns all solenoids on. (I (jhs@) tried it, on & off maybe each second)
    Listen for solenoid clicks & fans whirring.
    2 black Connectors
    2 Connectors (I (jhs@) think
    for error codes "U Check")
    Singular black connector:
    7 pin, used with ground wires, to set a condition to get more error codes
  • youtube . com / watch ? v=g1K7PqhmDW8
    the singular black connector:
    hold it toward you like a 'U'
    top left of U is pin 1, top right is 2,
    don''t use bottom 4 contacts,
    there are 2 loose pins for shorting
    depending on model both black, or black & white.
    • pin 1 if earthed (with ignition on): initiates error display
    • pin 2 if earthed as well as 1 (with ignition on): clears error memory.
    • long blink indicates decades of error codes 10, 20 etc,
    • short blink is digits 0, 1, 2
    • long slow blinks continuously means no more errors
    • Error codes: vehix411 . com diverts to karmanauto . com
      karmanauto . com / ? s=subaru & post_type=product  crash codes
    • airbag control system codes or also known as airbag trouble codes
    • for subaru wrx sti 02, 03, 04, 05
    • will probably work for most subaru year 2000 and 2005.
    • 11 airbag harness driver circuit is open, short, or short to ground
    • 12 airbag harness passenger circuit open, short, short to ground
    • 15 airbag module harness driver is short to power supply
    • 16 airbag harness circuit passenger short to power supply
    • 21 airbag control module is faulty
    • 22 front airbag module and seat belt pretensioner l / r inflated
    • 23 Connectors not connected properly to airbag control module
    • 24 airbag control module is faulty
    • 25 airbag control module is faulty
    • 31 front sub sensor harness r side
    • 32 front sub sensor harness l side
    • 41 side airbag harness r side is faulty
    • 42 side airbag harness l side is faulty
    • 45 side airbag harness r side is shorted to power supply
    • 46 side airbag harness l side is shorted to power supply
    • 51 side airbag sensor r side is faulty
    • 52 side airbag sensor l side is faulty
    • 53 side airbag sensor r side is faulty
    • 54 side airbag sensor l side is faulty
    • 55 side airbag module is inflated
    • 61 seat belt pretensioner r side circuit open, short, short to ground
    • 62 seat belt pretensioner l side circuit open, short, short to ground
    • 65 seat belt pretensioner r side circuit open, short, short to ground
    • 66 seat belt pretensioner l side circuit open, short, short to ground
    • (If a seat belt is removed, fake it out with a 3 ohm .25 watt (eg 3 x 10 ohm in parallel)).
    First note if it stays on > 7 sec, or comes back on after 30 sec.
  • Back To Index



A list under the dashboard during dis-assembly,

  • From Section=5-4_[W1A0],
    Footer=5, Page=2030 of: Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf
  • (1) 15P / Gray
  • (2) 22P / Brown
  • (3) 22P / White
  • (4) 20P / Blue
  • (5) 22P / Black
  • (6) 4P / Sky blue
  • (7) 1P / Black
  • (8) 1P / Black
  • Back To Index

There are Two Alternate Data Link Connectors

Check Connector [ - 'U' Connector ]

  • WARNING: Different parts of manual refer to different connectors as "Check Connector", for now I point them all here, but it needs to be split later.
    (Note its not easy to scan for, as eg "Check Connector" can be taken as a verb in "Check Connectors List Of Names" as in Page=2171, Section=5-5_[T5J1], Footer=31 of Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf)
  • Page 2395, Section=6-3_[D7A0], Footer=115 : List Includes name "Check Connector" : Ref to 6-3_[D7B2]
  • Colour: Black
  • Function: Connect both for flash codes for engine error codes
  • Some versions of car (inc. mine (jhs@)) have U-shape with more pins.
  • Number: B79
  • Location: behind right seam of knee panel under dash board.
  • Pin-out: 6 in a row
    | X . X . X . X . X . X |
  • Back To Index

"Diagnosis Connector" is a name used for at least Two Different connectors - So - Which ?

Index of phrase "Diagnosis Connector" : in Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf - 39 Matches

  • Page=943, 944, 945, Section=4-4_[W15D1], Footer=55 : Diagram of diagnosis_connector_6pin_black_B82_U_shape + 2 Diagnosis Terminals. : Re. ABS
  • Page=1355, Section=2-7_[T5C0], Footer=67 : connector_B56_20pin (2 x 10 DIP) : TCM=transmission Control Module
  • Page=1839 : Location
  • Page=1845, Section=3-2_[T500], Footer=11 : connector_B56_20pin : AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL
  • Page=1934, Section=3-2_[T9N6], Footer=100 : (B55) No. 2 - (i10) No. 4: AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL Lower case "diagnosis connector."
  • Page=1965 Section=3-2_[T9Z6] Footer=131 : connector_B56_20pin Pins_20
  • Page=1978, Section=4-4_[T300], Footer=4 : - : Location
  • Page=1983, Section=4-4_[T5A0], Footer=9 : - : Control Module I/O Signal
  • Page=1989 Section=4-4_[T6D1], Footer=15 : :
  • Page=1990 Section=4-4_[T6D2], Footer=16 : Diagram of diagnosis_connector_6pin_black_B82_U_shape + 2 Diagnosis Terminals : BRAKES
  • Page=2001, Section=4-4_[T7C3] Footer=? : Diagram of diagnosis_connector_6pin_black_B82_U_shape "diagnosis terminal (B81) to diagnosis connector (B82)": BRAKES
  • Page=2040,2111, 2113, 2116 Section=4-4_[T8W5] Footer=66
  • Page=2150, Section=5-5_[T4A1], Footer=10 : Diagram of diagnosis_connector_6pin_black_B82_U_shape "Connect DIAG. terminal (A) to No. 1 terminal of diagnosis connector (B)"
  • Page=2151, Section=5-5_[T4D3] Footer=11 : Diagram of diagnosis_connector_6pin_black_B82_U_shape : C: CLEAR MEMORY
  • Page=2395, Section=6-3_[D7A0], Footer=115 : - : 4-4 [T300]
  • Page=2412 & 2414, Section=6-3_[D8D1], Footer=132 : B82 : -
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"Diagnosis Connector" (6 Pin Black B82 U-Shape)

Name from:
  Page=2309 of Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf
 Name: "Diagnosis Connector" (6 Pin Black B82)
 Name 'U' from Videos
  • Number: B82 3F
  • Colour: Black (on my (jhs@) car)
  • Location
  • Pin-out
    +---+ . . . +---+
    | 1 | . . . | 2 |
    | . +-------+ . |
    | 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 |
    Some cars after mine (jhs@) have another vertical row to the left with 2 more pins
  • Function:
    • First put a wire into pin 1, to get output blink codes. Under the dashboard is dark & cramped, I I (jhs@) lay with head on foot well floor, backside on vehicle rim legs outside vehicle. I (jhs@) needed to mentally rotate connector, as it''s an oblong stretched U format (not a square or round pin connector). & mine (jhs@) appeared with pins 1 & 2 apparently down, not up :
      • Blink on for 1.2 secs is decades, eg: 10, 20, 30
      • Blink on for 0.3 secs is units, eg: 1, 2, 3
      • Steady on & off with each 0.6 secs = all OK, no error.
    • Note the error (or all errors, may be more than one). To clear the error log: Put 2nd wire in pin 2 while blinking for minimum 3 secs.
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Subaru OBD1 Scanner

youtube . com / watch ? v=nBAhKVh29qk
Video Title: "Subaru OBD1 Scanner - The B10 scan tool"
- The B10 scan tool Selector Monitor Connector is a mid brown (the software on screen says "Yellow 9-pin Subaru Select Monitor port", My (jhs@) screen shows dark yellow), one can make a cable with a subaru stereo plug to parallel port of a PC. Software running shows on his screen as:
For 1998-1994 North American
Subaru Legacy Models .
Vikash Hoel
www . surrealmirage . com / vrg3/
Yellow 9-pin Subaru 1.2...3.4,
Select Monitor port,
Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Vikash Ravi Coel.
This program is free software and comes with absolutely no warranty.
The video has a picture of a translucent nylon plug (ie male pins) that would fit the yellow socket in My (jhs@) car.
He says same sort as used on Subaru stereo.
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Diagnosis Connector: Yellow 9 Pin - Same as above I think

Looks like may be same plug as would fit socket pictured on front page of adapter cable on "Select Monitor - Instruction Manual - Technical Training" SSM Intro Booklet0001.PDF ssm_intro_booklet0001.pdf from www . subaru - svx . net / forum / showthread . php ? t=45762
9 pin connector, yellow
Picture of a yellow 9 pin "diagnosis connector (Which?)" from surrealmirage . com / vrg3 / b10scan/ Titled "B10 Scan Tool", Where they call it a diagnosis connector (Which?),
But my (jhs@) manual calls a different plug a Diagnostic Connector (6 Pin Black B82)
(but I (jhs@) have pictures of that yellow plug in my (jhs@) car, (a green plug seems adjacent in photo, though depth of perspective forgotten) though my (jhs@) car is a next generation Legacy 2)
"B10 Scan Tool
This is a very simple scan tool to read some parameters in real-time from the ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) on 1990-1994 North American Subaru Legacy models using x86-based computers.
Connecting to the car
diagnosis connector (Which?)
Select Monitor connector Under the driver side dash there is a yellow 9-pin diagnosis connector intended to interface with the Subaru Select Monitor."

+-------+ . +-------+
| 1 . 2 | . | 3 . 4 |
| . . . +---+ . . . |
| 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 |

2 Green/White = Transmit
3 Light Green/Red = Receive
9 Black/Red = Ground

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My connector photos

Notes from www . youtube . com / watch ? v=3y55wdRsa3Q by (Justin at all wheel drive auto)
  • My (jhs@) 1998 Yellow are shown as his 1992 Legacy pale brown/ tan. He calls it "subaru select monitor one", for up to 1995, still on a few models after
  • The 2 green single spade are "Dealer Check" only connected to cycle all solenoids on & off so technician can easily listen to stuff.
  • 2 Black single spade are called "U Check connectors": Connect first then turn engine on.

"D or Dealer Check" Connector

Mode Actuator

SSM Connector Section=2-7_[T2A3]

Test Mode Connector


Footer=134, Page=34 of 56,

wiring_diagram / wiring_diagram / all.pdf
(25) Check Connector < Ref to Section=6-3_[D7B4] >
under wheel, behind right seam.
Back To Index

Pages=4442_121M_liberty_1998_2003.pdf Page=440 Footer=EN(H4SO)-29

{=== (This whole indented section is for a newer car than mine (jhs@), ENGINE (DIAGNOSTICS)
# Before raising the vehicle, ensure parking brakes are applied. ...
6) Connect test mode connector (A) at the lower portion of instrument panel (jhs@: = dash board) (on the driver''s side), to the side of the center console box. (Diag N-00711 shows 2 single core spade connectors)
After the memory has been cleared, the ISC must be initialized. To do this, turn the ignition switch to the ON position. Wait 3 seconds before starting the engine
Click Body section
Click airbag diagnostic

Footer=AB-2, Page=3586 of Pages=4442_121M_liberty_1998_2003.pdf "perform the clear memory mode. < Ref. to AB-22, Clear Memory Mode. >"
Page=3604 of 4442,
Footer=AB20, shows Diagnosis Connector with

+-------+ . . . +---+
| 1 . 2 | . . . | 3 |
| . . . +-------+ . |
| 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 |

The pretensioner system has a backup power source. The pretensioner might deploy if you do not wait for 20 seconds or more before starting. ... Do not use a circuit tester to check resistance of the pretensioner ===}
Back To Index

Unknown Connector

  • Number: ?
  • Colour: Light Brown
  • Location:
  • Pin-out: 5 pins in a row
    | X . X . X . X . X |
  • Function:
  • Note: Up to 1995+.
  • Back To Index

  My (jhs@) error codes

11, 22, 12
(Page=2155 of Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf Section=5-5_[T5A1], footer=15 : SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM, 5. Diagnostics Chart with Trouble Code A: TROUBLE CODES 1. LIST OF TROUBLE CODES )
(Page=2194 of Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf Section=5-5-[T5AA1], Footer=54 : SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM, 5. Diagnostics Chart with Trouble Code )
  • 11:
    Airbag control module is faulty.
    Airbag main harness circuit is open.
    Fuse No. 8 is blown.
    Body harness circuit is open. <Ref. to Section=5-5_[T5F0]>
  • 22:
    Airbag main harness circuit is open.
    Passenger''s airbag module harness circuit is open.
    Airbag control module is faulty <Ref. to Section=5-5_[T5M0]>
    There is NO Section=5-5_[T5M0] in Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf
  • 12:
    Airbag main harness circuit is open.
    Driver''s airbag module harness circuit is open.
    Roll connector circuit is open.
    Airbag control module is faulty <Ref. to Section=5-5_[T5G0]>
(A garage on a quick check thought they saw 12, 21, 22 (which I think doesn''t make sense, as its supposed to start with 11) )
Back To Index

My (jhs@) : Log: Done & Fixed & Not Done

  • Done

  • Fixed : Summary - Or Up to Done Previously, Down to Not Done, Other Ideas

    • Synopsis: Suspect intermittent contact, long (week plus) unplug of ECM=Engine Control Module cleared it.
    • After the ECM (Engine Control Module) had been un-bolted, disconnected & out for a week or two, & I''d un-wrapped the cable harness & failed to find a wire with the right colour for K-Line (from which I had been hoping to install an OBD2 socket)
    • I reconnected the ECM. & re-connected battery, & powered on ignition for a minute or two (without starting engine) & off again, a few times, (to pump up air suspension which has a slow leak, allowing intervening off periods for the air compressor to cool off, as maybe not designed for repeated prolonged usage).
    • Periodically I had been using jump start kits (carry-able lead acid gel batteriy) to keep the car battery well up to 12 volt, as I did not want the ECM to start with a low voltage that might induce errors into its log, or might mess up any probed or factory default settings copying, if the ECM detected first power up after disconnect.
    • (There''s car specific configuration data in ECMs presumably some model specific, market option specific, & individual car specific, including mileage, eg how many kilometres since new, etc. ECMs are sold both used & generic unused needing programming).
    • Finally restarted engine, & Air bag light stayed on after all others had gone off, but then after maybe 5 or 10 seconds, the air bag light also went out !
      I think this was on first engine cycle, but might have been on one or several first engine on-off cycles - I can''t remember.
    • The next few times similar, so I decided probably good enough to take it for a German "Haupt Untersuchung" aka TUeV, aka MOT (ie government periodic test), & best not tempt fate trying the clear memory procedure, to get the Air Bag light fully off.
    • I took it for a short drive round underground garage. Then after another couple of engine cycles, the air bag light went off about same time as all the rest ! :-)
    • I think (from reading manuals) the ECM was keeping track of past errors, & clearing log of errors after a few engine runs
    • I guess while the light stayed on longer, it was to show there had been a recent error in the log, then the light went off, to show no error on this engine run.
    • Back To Index
  • Not Done - Other Ideas to try if problem recurs, if long power off reset fails to fix it

    • The Air Bag light has been an intermittent for 15+ years, so may rcur later, so below is a list of oter things I didn't get to do before I cleared the fault, but might need to be done some time later, & or by some other reader.
    • Scan manual for ACM, find location, consider removal, & unplugging
    • Intermittent earth, I have had on air flow control lights & cigarette socket,, maybe it affects wider.
    • Maybe Search Web More for ECM (Engine Control Module) Connector Subaru pin-out to add to numberings a French car owner also had a white connector like mine, not the yellow that American writers on forums wrote of.
    • Do more searching somehow, to see if a K-Line wire may be emerging on some unexpected colour, that might be able to be added to a new socket as OBD-II Wiki Pin 7
    • Check fuse no 8. = middle row, left. But I think thats been chcked a few times.
    • cd ~/public_html/txt/airbag; vi manual/tree/subarulegacy_1998/1998/service_manual/diagnostics_section/supplemental_restraint_system/all.txt
      Check connector (AB6) connected to airbag con-
      Also check connectors, terminals, wiring harness
    • Wiggle all plug+socket connectors on yellow circuits. Search manuals to create a list of connector locations.
      BTW Maybe Yellow might not be just Subaru, but an industry standard for SRS, regardless of manufacturer ?
    • Confirm there''s nothing but heating cable in seats ?
    • Maybe try & set the connectors on U-shape before turning on ignition ? as shown in www . youtube . com / watch ? v=g1K7PqhmDW8 - Up to now I''ve turned on ignition then set the pins
    • After disconnect cables from battery, I didn''t bother shorting the battery cables to reset ECM as it was left so long to run flat.
      I've no idea if a battery &/or capacitor in ECM as I didn''t unscrew the lid to look (fear that there might be some anti tamper device).
    • Search for a SUBARU SELECT MONITOR OPERATION MANUAL pdf, which if found might cast light, however one might need to also buy the device, or eg get a dealer to arrange to borrow/rent one from national importers of Subaru (A friendly Munich Subaru dealer zzz offered to from Subaru Germany)
    • I could connect my diagnostic connector to 2 proprietary Wikipedia pins 12 & 13 2 to an ODB2 socket, Wikipedia pins 12 & 13, but doubtful if a generic ODB2 to WLAN dongle would recognise them, unless they''re possibly some semi standard among pre OBD2.
      Such a socket Might also be useful in future at a subaru dealer, with subaru test gear, but only a modern OBD2 plug.
    • Low priority: Resolve in this doc. multiple use of different "diagnosis connector (Which?)"
    • Back To Index


Copyright & Right To Repair etc

K Line

L Line

ACM (Airbag Control Module)

In Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf;
  • Page=1149, Section=5-5_[C100], Footer=3 : Item (16) - Location
  • Page=1159, Section=5-5_[W4A0] Footer=12 : Remove console box. <Ref. to 5-4 [W1A0]> + Disconnect connector from airbag control module
  • Page=1161, Section=5-5_[W5A0], Footer=14 : Removal & Installation + Do not disassemble
  • Page=2155 & 2156, Section=?, Footer=15 & 16 : LIST OF TROUBLE CODES
  • Page=2157, Section=?, Footer=? : Disconnect connector (AB6)
  • Page=2159, Section=?, Footer=? : Connector 3E, Pins=20, Is the resistance more than 10 k# ?
  • Page=2165, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2167, Section=5-5_[T5F1], Footer=27 : TROUBLE CODE 11
  • Error Code 12 = Trouble Code 12 = WHERE SEARCH
  • Page=2168, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2169, Section=?, Footer=29 : Fuse NO. 8
  • Page=2170, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2171, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2174, Section=5-5_[T5L0] Footer=34 : TROUBLE CODE 22
  • Page=2175, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2178, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2180, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2181, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2182, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2183, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2184, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2185, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2186, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2187, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2188, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2189, Section=5-5_[T5Y2], Footer=49 : Y: AIRBAG WARNING LIGHT REMAINS ON. DIAGNOSIS
  • Page=2190, Section=?, Footer=? : Airbag Warning Light Module (on back of dashboard)
  • Page=2191, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2192, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2193, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2194, Section=?, Footer=? : 5-5 [T5AA1] SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM 5 . Diagnostics Chart with Trouble Code
    Trouble Codes Check parts Index. No.
    • Fuse No. 8
    • Airbag main harness
    • Airbag control module
    • Body harness
    • <Ref. to 5-5_[T5F5]> Page=2169
    • <Ref. to 5-5_[W400]>
    • <Ref. to 5-5_[W500]>
    • <Ref. to 5-3_[W100]>
    • Roll connector
    • Airbag module (Driver)
    • Airbag main harness
    • Airbag control module
    • <Ref. to 5-5_[W600]>
    • <Ref. to 5-5_[W300]>
    • <Ref. to 5-5_[W400]>
    • <Ref. to 5-5_[W500]>
    • Airbag module (Passenger)
    • Airbag main harness
    • Airbag control module
    • <Ref. to 5-5_[W300]>
    • <Ref. to 5-5_[W400]>
    • <Ref. to 5-5_[W500]>
  • Page=2195, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2196, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2296, Section=?, Footer=?
  • Page=2300, Section=?, Footer=?

ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer)

ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) Connector B84 Pins

  Discrepancy in Number Of Pins
Subaru pin numbers run up to 96
26 Pins in the range 1-96 are Unlisted in circuit diagrams.
86 pins protrude from My (jhs@) ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer).
Building a list of all B84 Pin Numbers & colours
Colours From Page=2283 Section=6-3_[D1A0] (Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf)
Color code Color
L Blue
B Black
Y Yellow
G Green
R Red
W White
Br Brown
Lg Light green
Gr Gray
P Pink
Or Orange
Lb Light Blue
V Violet
SA Sealed (Inner)
SB Sealed (Outer)

Back To Index
Pins Numbers from Section 6-3 starts at Page 2281 of Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf
Page Footer Pin Colour
2291 11   Abbreviation
2304 24 42 BW=Black+White
2304 24 46 BW=Black+White
2304 24 69 BY=Black+Yellow
2304 24 19 BW=Black+White
2304 24 95 BY=Black+Yellow
2304 24 94 B=Black
2304 24 17 BR=Black+Red
2304 24 81 (MT) BW=Black+White
2304 24 18 BR=Black+Red
2304 24 75 (Without TCS) BR=Black+Red

2308 28 19 BW=Black+White
2308 28 42 BW=Black+White
2308 28 69 BY=Black+Yellow
2308 28 46 BW=Black+White
2308 28 95 BY=Black+Yellow
2308 28 94 B=Black
2308 28 17 BR=Black+Red
2308 28 18 BR=Black+Red
2308 28 75 BR=Black+Red

2309 29   Airbag Control Module AB6

2310 30 31 LOr=Blue+Orange
2310 30 60 BrY=Brown+Yellow

2311 31 31 LOr=Blue+Orange
2311 31 60 BrY=Brown+Yellow

2315 35 80 P=Pink
2315 35 79 L=Blue
2315 35 47 GOr=Green+Orange
2315 35 64 BL=Black+Blue
2315 35 6 Wb=White+Black
2315 35 21 R=Red
2315 35 20 RY=Red+Yellow

2317 37 80 P=Pink
2317 37 79 L=Blue
2317 37 47 GOr=Green+Orange
2317 37 64 BL=Black+Blue
2317 37 6 Wb=White+Black
2317 37 21 R=Red
2317 37 20 RY=Red+Yellow

2331 51 80 P=Pink
2331 51 47 GOr=Green+Orange
2331 51 79 L=Blue
2331 51 61 Light green+Black
2331 51 76 YB=Yellow+Black
2331 51 75 *3
2331 51 77 Or=Orange
2331 6-3 [D6M1] TAIWAN MODEL 51 93 OrW=Orange+White K Line - ODB2 service connector
2331 51 23 B=Black
2331 51 38 W=White
2331 51 24 B=Black
2331 51 37 WL=White+Blue
2331 51 15 YW=Yellow+White

2332 52 56 BG=Black+Green
2332 52 26 G=Green
2332 52 20 RY=Red+Yellow
2332 52 21 R=Red
2332 52 6 Wb=White+Black
2332 52 3 W=White
2332 52 22 BY=Black+Yellow
2332 52 71 BP=Black+Pink
2332 52 5 W=White
2332 52 57 SB
2332 52 53 P=Pink
2332 52 41 YL=Yellow+Blue
2332 52 40 YV=Yellow+Violet
2332 52 17 BR=Black+Red
2332 52 18 BR=Black+Red
2332 52 94 B=Black
2332 52 69 BY=Black+Yellow
2332 52 95 BY=Black+Yellow
2332 52 19 BW=Black+White
2332 52 42 BW=Black+White
2332 52 46 BW=Black+White
2332 52 81 BW=Black+White

2333 53 54 SB
2333 53 29 B=Black
2333 53 8 W=White
2333 53 28 R=Red
2333 53 7 G=Green
2333 53 16 LB=Blue+Black
2333 53 44 LR=Blue+Red
2333 53 70 Lg=Light green
2333 53 96 Br
2333 53 14 B=Black
2333 53 13 WY=White+Yellow
2333 53 72 WL=White+Blue

2334 54 35 BrY=Brown+Yellow
2334 54 27 BrW
2334 54 25 RL=Red+Blue
2334 54 10 Light green+Black
2334 54 4 YL=Yellow+Blue
2334 54 32 V
2334 54 63 Lg=Light green
2334 54 83 GB=Green+Black
2334 54 58 RG=Red+Green
2334 54 64 BL=Black+Blue
2334 54 39 R=Red
2334 54 92 GW=Green+White
2334 54 91 Lg=Light green
2334 54 84 LG=Blue+Green
2334 54 31 LOr=Blue+Orange
2334 54 60 BrY=Brown+Yellow
2334 54 74 RL=Red+Blue
2334 54 73 Green+Red
2334 54 1 YL=Yellow+Blue
2334 54 2 YL=Yellow+Blue
2334 54 85 Yellow
2334 54 86 RY=Red+Yellow
2334 54 82 *2

2335 55 80 P=Pink
2335 55 47 GOr=Green+Orange
2335 55 79 L=Blue
2335 55 61 Light green+Black
2335 55 76 YB=Yellow+Black
2335 55 75 *3
2335 55 77 Or=Orange
2335 6-3 [D6M2] LHD EXCEPT TAIWAN MODEL 55 93 OrW=Orange+White K Line - ODB2 service connector
2335 55 23 B=Black
2335 55 38 W=White
2335 55 24 B=Black
2335 55 37 WL=White+Blue
2335 55 15 YW=Yellow+White

2336 56 56 BG=Black+Green
2336 56 26 G=Green
2336 56 20 RY=Red+Yellow
2336 56 21 R=Red
2336 56 6 Wb=White+Black
2336 56 3 W=White
2336 56 22 BY=Black+Yellow
2336 56 71 BP=Black+Pink
2336 56 5 W=White
2336 56 57 SB=Sealed (Outer)
2336 56 53 P=Pink
2336 56 41 YL=Yellow+Blue
2336 56 40 YV=Yellow+Violet
2336 56 17 BR=Black+Red
2336 56 18 BR=Black+Red
2336 56 94 B=Black
2336 56 69 BY=Black+Yellow
2336 56 95 BY=Black+Yellow
2336 56 19 BW=Black+White
2336 56 42 BW=Black+White
2336 56 46 BW=Black+White
2336 56 81 BW=Black+White

2337 57 54 SB=Sealed (Outer)
2337 57 29 B=Black
2337 57 8 W=White
2337 57 28 R=Red
2337 57 7 G=Green
2337 57 16 LB=Blue+Black
2337 57 44 LR=Blue+Red
2337 57 70 Lg=Light green
2337 57 96 Br=Brown
2337 57 14 B=Black
2337 57 13 WY=White+Yellow
2337 57 72 WL=White+Blue

2339 59 80 P=Pink
2339 59 47 GOr=Green+Orange
2339 59 79 L=Blue
2339 59 75 BR=Black+Red
2339 6-3 [D6M3] RHD MODEL 59 93 OrW=Orange+White
2339 59 23 B=Black
2339 59 38 W=White
2339 59 24 B=Black
2339 59 37 WL=White+Blue
2339 59 15 YW=Yellow+White

2341 61 16 LB=Blue+Black
2341 61 44 LR=Blue+Red
2341 61 70 Lg=Light green
2341 61 96 Br=Brown
2341 61 14 B=Black
2341 61 13 WY=White+Yellow
2341 61 72 WL=White+Blue

2376 96 73 Green+Red
2376 96 74 RL=Red+Blue

2377 97 73 Green+Red
2377 97 74 RL=Red+Blue

Back To Index
List Of Pins, Numeric, After Removing Duplicates From Above
96 pins of ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) Connector B84
Pin Colour
1 YL=Yellow+Blue
2 YL=Yellow+Blue
3 W=White
4 YL=Yellow+Blue
5 W=White
6 Wb=White+Black
7 G=Green
8 W=White
9 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
10 Light green+Black
11 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
12 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
13 WY=White+Yellow
14 B=Black
15 YW=Yellow+White
16 LB=Blue+Black
17 BR=Black+Red
18 BR=Black+Red
19 BW=Black+White
20 RY=Red+Yellow
21 R=Red
22 BY=Black+Yellow
23 B=Black
24 B=Black
25 RL=Red+Blue
26 G=Green
27 BrW
28 R=Red
29 B=Black
30 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
31 LOr=Blue+Orange
32 Violet
33 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
34 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
35 BrY=Brown+Yellow
36 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
37 WL=White+Blue
38 W=White
39 R=Red
40 YV=Yellow+Violet
41 YL=Yellow+Blue
42 BW=Black+White
43 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
44 LR=Blue+Red
45 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
46 BW=Black+White
47 GOr=Green+Orange
48 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
49 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
50 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
51 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
52 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
53 P=Pink
54 SB=Sealed (Outer)
55 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
56 BG=Black+Green
57 SB=Sealed (Outer)
58 RG=Red+Green
59 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
60 BrY=Brown+Yellow
61 Light green+Black
62 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
63 Lg=Light green
64 BL=Black+Blue
65 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
66 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
67 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
68 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
69 BY=Black+Yellow
70 Lg=Light green
71 BP=Black+Pink
72 WL=White+Blue
73 Green+Red
74 RL=Red+Blue
75 BR=Black+Red
  • Page=2304
    (Without TCS) BR=Black+Red
  • Pages={2308 & 2339}
  • Pages={2331 & 2335}
76 YB=Yellow+Black
77 Or=Orange
78 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
79 L=Blue
80 P=Pink
81 BW=Black+White
  • Page=2304
    (MT) BW=Black+White
  • Pages{2332 & 2336}
82 *2
83 GB=Green+Black
84 LG=Blue+Green
85 Yellow
86 RY=Red+Yellow
87 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
88 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
89 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
90 Unlisted in circuit diagrams
91 LgR=Light green+Red
92 GW=Green+White
93 OrW=Orange+White K Line
94 B=Black
95 BY=Black+Yellow
96 Br=Brown

Back To Index

ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) Connector Pin Outs

Discrepancy in Number & Layout Of Pins
Photo by jhs@
ecu connector
Click for larger

Pin count: 86: ( Left to right, & top to bottom: 9; block of flat, 9; block of flat, 3; row of square, 5; row of square, 4; row of square, 3; row of square, 3; column of flat, 4; row of square, 5; row of square, 5; row of square, 4; row of square, 6; block of flat, 4; row of square, 7; row of square, 6; row of square, 6; row of square, 3; column of flat )

Ascii Pin Layout Diagram
'X'= Frame, 'O'=Pin: Wide & Flat, 'i'=Pin Narrow & Square; '.' to avoid `html tidy` squashing spaces.

Pin-out; Page=1574 of 1998.pdf B84 2-7 [T10BI0] Footer=286. Frame grab of 96 pin connector diagram:
Back To Index

Older Pages=2858_62M_1997_BD-BG-BK

Partial Pinout; Page=1511 of Pages=2858_62M_1997_BD-BG-BK B84 2-7 [10 C] Footer=134
(Partial diagram of B84, Just for "MASS AIR FLOW SENSOR CIRCUIT LOW INPUT" but it is same as 1998 pdf, no columns of pins out of alignement, unlike mine (jhs@)).
ECM Removal Page=283 of Pages=2858_62M_1997_BD-BG-BK Footer=32

Newer Pages=3071 of 1999 BD-BG-BK

Partial Pinout; Page=1459 of Pages=3071_69M_1999_BD-BG-BK B84 2-7 [T10B0] Footer=148
(Partial diagram of B84, Just for "B. STARTER MOTOR CIRCUIT" but it is same as 1998 pdf, no columns of pins out of alignement, unlike mine (jhs@)).

Australian Pages=4442_121M_liberty_1998_2003.pdf

Page=422 Footer=EN(H4SO)-24
5. Engine Control Module (ECM) I/O Signal
Probably Not relevant to My (jhs@) car as so far, pdf shows 4 small connectors B134 - B137, which only have 3 rows, not 4 or 5 like mine (jhs@).
Page=838 Footer=EN(H4SOw/oOBD)-18
Back To Index

ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) Label On Top

Printed: 18
Engraved: See ~/txt/car/2legacy_trend/undated/notes.rof
ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) Label on side:

Back To Index

ECM (ECU Engine Control Module / Unit / Computer) Suppliers (found while searching for pin out numberings)

auto24parts . com / en_GB / p / ECU - ENGINE - CONTROLLER - SUBARU - 22644 - AA630 % 2C - 22644AA630 % 2C - A56 - 000 - R40 % 2C - A56000R40 -/ 44133
Awful crap English, presumably a translation from what language ? it makes little sense
auto24parts . com / de_DE / p / MOTORSTEUERGERAT - ECU - STEUERGERAT - SUBARU - 22644 - AA630 % 2C - 22644AA630 % 2C - A56 - 000 - R40 % 2C - A56000R40 -/ 44135
Horribly dense German, I got exasperated reading & gave up. Is it a bad translation from eg Japanese ? or just a horribly written original, by a German ?
OPTION AVAILABLE: Plug & Play / Locked / Ready for programming USED ORIGINAL IN GOOD CONDITION Variant: Locked Euro 125 Euro
Variant: Unlocked ready for programming Euro 225 Euro
Back To Index


Fuses: Covers, Numbers, Ratings, Functions

Fuse Pin Numbers.
Internal fuses, cover mounted vertical by left knee of driver in LHD car
(click photo for larger):
External fuses, cover mounted horizontal, seen from left wing of LHD car
(click photo for larger):
__ __
# 01 # 02 # 03 # 04 # 05 # 06 # 07
15 A 20 A 20 A 10 A 10 A 15 A 20 A
Back Turn Wiper Washer Cigar Mirror Tail LH Tail RH (F-Fog) R-Def

# 08 # 09 # 10 # 11 # 12 # 13 # 14
15 A 10 A 10 A 20 A 20 A 20 A 10 A
SRS Air Bag
Illumi (Height) (DR-Lock) (Keyless) Stop Horn Main Fan Unit Back Up

# 15 # 16 # 17 # 18 # 19 # 20 # 21
10 A 15 A 15 A 10 A 20 A 15 A 15 A
Meter SRS Lamp Yellow
Radio (Cruise) (ABS) (ABS Solenoid) Heater Heater

Back To Index

Manuals Whole: List & Detail

Manuals List

Manuals Detail

  Pages=2436_86M_1998.pdf Singular Large PDF from &
Downloaded 2024-03-26, Written 2019-12-06, probably for USA model

  Pages=4442_121M_Liberty_1998_2003.pdf, SINGULAR LARGE PDF - Australian name: Liberty

Australian Liberty (A Legacy with name moved to avoid war veterans group of same name)
  • Page=14 Footer=? & Page 16 Footer=? & Page=53 Footer=? : Error codes Clear Mem : Section=5-5_T4C0
  • Page=107 : Engine Section 1: FU(H4SO)
  • Page=520 of 4442, Footers=EN(H4SO)-122
    Engine section 1,
    "After repair or replacement of faulty parts, conduct Clear Memory Mode
    <Ref. to EN(H4SO)-47, OPERATION, Clear Memory Mode> and Inspection Mode
    <Ref. to EN(H4SO)-40, OPERATION, Inspection Mode>."
  • Page=925 : Engine Section 2: FU(H6DO)
  • Page=1543 : Engine Section 3: FU(H4DOSTC)
  • Page=1841 of 4442, Footers=EN(H4DOSTC)
  • Page=1875 of 4442, Footers=EN(H4DOSTC)-35
    ENGINE (DIAGNOSTICS) - Clear Memory Mode
    2.Clear Memory Mode
    Implicit refs to Data Link Connector (Normal Selector) & Data Link Connector (OBD)
  • Page=3571 Footer=AB-17 : Body Section : Airbag Control Module
  • Page=3599 Footer=AB-15 : Body Section : Electrical Components Location
  • Page=3606 Footer=AB-22 : Body Section : 9. Clear Memory Mode
  • Page=3608 Footer=AB-24 : Body Section : 10.Airbag Warning Light Failure - AirBag Control Module AB6 Pinout 28 Pins
  • Page=3812 Footer=IDI-2 : CHECK ENGINE & AIRBAG & AT OIL TEMP. warning light both 12V 1.4 W
  • Page=3814 Footer=IDI-4 : COMBINATION METER SYSTEM: Luminescent meter has a CFL (Cold cathode fluorescent light) inverter that generates a high-tension current. Do not touch the inverter terminal when checking combination meter with ignition switch turned ON. (I think My (jhs@) older car probably does not have this)
  • Page=3943 Footer=EI-35 : 16.Instrument Panel Assembly
  • Page=4057 Footers=[WI 1] Wiring system Index
  • Page=4108 Footer=WI-52 : AB6 AIRBAG CONTROL MODULE B31 Connector Yellow 12 pin
  • Page=4109 Footers=WI-53
    6. Airbag System
    Air bag system (inc. belt pretensioners?)
    Sect 41 + 300 Seat Belts
  • Page=4182 Footer=WI-126 : 12.Combination Meter A: SCHEMATIC 1. 4-CYLINDER NON-TURBO ENGINE MODEL
  • Page=4216 Footer=WI-160 : 15.Engine Electrical System A: SCHEMATIC 1. LHD 4-CYLINDER ENGINE WITHOUT OBD MODEL
    ENGINE CONTROL MODULE with 28 + 25 pin connectors, 3 row, not like I have
  • Page=4390 Footer=WI-334 : 50.Front Wiring Harness
  • Page=4422 Footer=WI-366 : 54.Instrument Panel Wiring Harness

Sample of sets of page number alignments between Manuals

Building of My (jhs@) own merge of chapters

  Pages=2461_62M_jhsm.pdf, My (jhs@) Own Singular Large Pdf - A Combined Merge of myriad purchased mini .pdf in .zips
Done by me, combining my ebayliverpool & emanualonline

Produced from script below:
cd service_manual ;
gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=\
diagnostics_section/foreword/all.pdf \
engine_section/emission_control_system_and_vacuum_fitting/all.pdf \
engine_section/on-car_services/all.pdf \
engine_section/engine__open-bracket_sohc_close-bracket_/all.pdf \
engine_section/engine__open-bracket_dohc_close-bracket_/all.pdf \
engine_section/engine_lubrication_system/all.pdf \
engine_section/engine_cooling_system/all.pdf \
diagnostics_section/engine_cooling_system/all.pdf \
diagnostics_section/on-board_diagnostics_ii_system/all.pdf \
engine_section/foreword/all.pdf \
engine_section/fuel_injection_system/all.pdf \
engine_section/fuel_system/all.pdf \
engine_section/exhaust_system/all.pdf \
engine_section/clutch/all.pdf \
engine_section/engine_and_transmission_mounting_system/all.pdf \
transmission_and_differential_section/manual_transmission_and_differential/all.pdf \
diagnostics_section/automatic_transmission_and_differential/all.pdf \
transmission_and_differential_section/automatic_transmission_and_differential/all.pdf \
transmission_and_differential_section/transmission_control_system/all.pdf \
transmission_and_differential_section/awd_system/all.pdf \
mechanical_components_section/suspension/all.pdf \
mechanical_components_section/wheels_and_axles/all.pdf \
mechanical_components_section/steering_system/all.pdf \
diagnostics_section/brakes/all.pdf \
mechanical_components_section/brakes/all.pdf \
mechanical_components_section/pedal_system_and_control_cables/all.pdf \
mechanical_components_section/heater_and_ventilator/all.pdf \
mechanical_components_section/air_conditioning_system/all.pdf \
body_section/body_and_exterior/all.pdf \
body_section/doors_and_windows/all.pdf \
body_section/seats,_seat_belts,_and_interior/all.pdf \
body_section/instrument_panel/all.pdf \
body_section/supplemental_restraint_system/all.pdf \
diagnostics_section/supplemental_restraint_system/all.pdf \
electrical_section/engine_electrical_system/all.pdf \
electrical_section/body_electrical_system/all.pdf \
diagnostics_section/body_electrical_system__open-bracket_cruise_control_close-bracket_/all.pdf \
diagnostics_section/body_electrical_system__open-bracket_electrical_parts_close-bracket_/all.pdf \
wiring_diagram/foreword/all.pdf \
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Manual: Downloaded, Pages Merged To Chapters & Indexed

Air Con Leak

(A trick I learned from when my Subaru aircon leaked on front passenger carpet on long trips, & I didnt even realise to turn off air con, as floor was covered in stuff. So after arrival in England, I left car in garage for days, with a big room fan face down on carpet & windows open.

BTW To avoid flooding, (presumably on any car with air con ?), is to keep the tranlucent evaporation drain pipe clear, which hangs down near side of engine, mine clogs with road dirt & green slime every so many years. The Way to clear it is get some thick figure of '8' electric cable, cut the end at 45 degree so it cuts through muck, then poke it up the pipe while rotating it, the 45 deg. cut also helps it go further in along the pipe, jumping across pipe bends/ joints. ( A friend Gary used same way to clear his fridge)

The First few times I did it lieing underneath car, I had to raise the car, got tired of lifting arm, wearing goggles & head covered in sudden slime rush first time. Now Ive learnt how to do it from above, reaching down, needs a flexible wrist. One Does require a cold adjacent exhaust pipe.

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